YouTube has banned the word ‘Christian’ in targeted ads because it is “unacceptable content” December 18, 2020
‘Satan Is Real’: Pro-Lifers Respond to Massive Cheers As Argentina Moves to Legalize Abortion December 17, 2020
Electoral College Vote On Dec. 14 Was EXACTLY Halfway Between The “Great American Eclipses” Of 2017 And 2024 December 15, 2020December 13, 2020
The number of Americans that are depressed or considering suicide has soared because of the COVID lockdowns December 13, 2020
The Vatican nativity scene was “influenced by ancient Greek, Sumerian and Egyptian art”… December 13, 2020
British news source: Pope Francis could fulfill “what would be the final piece of a 900-year-old doomsday prophecy this year” December 10, 2020