A completely naked statue of the pagan goddess Medusa was just put up in New York City October 14, 2020
A pastor in Kentucky has been charged with incest – victim claims that there were 30 to 40 instances of rape October 13, 2020
A new survey discovers that a shockingly low 24 percent of all Americans want Roe v. Wade to be overturned October 12, 2020
Crackdown: Authorities are “investigating” a worship protest led by Sean Feucht in Nashville October 12, 2020
Was Joe Biden’s new campaign slogan “Build Back Better” actually plagiarized from somewhere else? October 12, 2020October 11, 2020
52 percent of evangelical Christian churchgoers do not believe in “absolute moral truth” October 8, 2020
Is there any hope for America? A new survey finds that 66 percent of Americans do not want Roe v. Wade overturned October 7, 2020
20 things that you must believe in order to convince yourself that everything is going to turn out okay somehow October 6, 2020
A new congressional report proves that the institutions of marriage and family are being systematically destroyed in America October 6, 2020
Hillary Clinton says that young people are leaving the Church because Christianity is judgmental and alienating October 6, 2020