New Study Finds GMO Soy Toxic to Kidneys, Liver, and Reproduction

Soybeans - Public Domain

In North America, approximately 75 to 89% of the soy beans grown are genetically modified (GM). One may not realize it, but this is concerning news – especially because recent research found that GM soy is toxic to the kidneys, liver, and more.

There isn’t just one smoking gun anymore pointing at GMO toxicology. There is now an entire arsenal of scientific research proving that genetically modified organisms adversely affect the body. In yet another new study conducted by Egyptian researchers, rats given GM soy were found to have deadly amounts of toxicity in their kidneys, liver, testes, sperm, blood and even DNA.

Is there any question anymore about the true poisons that are biotech’s squalid wares?

The histopathological assessments made by the researchers of the rat’s bodily tissues leave no room for mistakes or misjudgments. You can’t argue over the results as some GMO-supporters have tried to do with other studies (like Seralini’s).  Seralini’s study is one of the most quoted papers on the Internet, yet Monsanto gave a lengthy refutation of its findings.

(Read the rest of the story here…)