The Obamacare Website Was Hacked In July, But Officials Only Noticed It 10 Days Ago

A computer server hosting information for, the flagship Obamacare website that millions of Americans have trusted with their social security numbers, income totals and other sensitive personal information, was the subject of a hacker attack earlier this summer, officials said Thursday. The federal government wasn’t aware it had been hacked on July 8 until just ten days ago.

Obamacare: Death panels were always on the agenda

Prior to Democrats ramming substandard corporatized medical care down the throats of the American people at gunpoint, Democrats argued that death panels would not be part of Obamacare. However, now that Obamacare is law, the truth has finally emerged – death panels are indeed part of the law. On Saturday The New York Times reported that “the issue of paying doctors to talk to patients about end-of-life care is making a comeback, and such sessions may be covered for the 50 million Americans on Medicare as early as next year.

Obamacare Now Pays for Gender Reassignment Surgery

Now, federal law prohibits health insurance companies from discriminating against transgender people, and it bars insurers from denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions. That makes it possible for more transgender people to purchase private plans. And in states that expanded their Medicaid programs, those with low incomes may get free coverage.