U.S. Rent In Half By An Earthquake “From Chicago To New Orleans”

As I have been documenting in recent weeks, the Lord has shown so many of His servants that someday a great earthquake will actually physically divide the United States in half along the New Madrid fault.  My wife and I have been collecting these dreams and visions, and yet we continue to come across others that we are not familiar with.  For example, I was browsing through the website of Unleavened Bread Ministries this afternoon when I came across this one

(Recounted By Steve Wilkins) Here’s an amazing revelation. My friend, Carol, told me that back in 1988, after having fasted for 24 days, she was driving down a road about 20 miles south of St. Louis which runs alongside the New Madrid fault line. She was “Listening to Christian radio and lost signal while changing channels as I entered the New Madrid town. Just the day before an earthquake had been warned of there and disc jockeys were making fun of the hospitals that had evacuated intensive care patients to hospitals for 100-150 miles around. I said, ‘Lord, listen to them laugh and make fun of this’.

“The Lord spoke to me audibly right there. Virtually word for word what Matthew 24:37,38 says: ‘As in the days of Noah, they were drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, and partying, and I sent My flood, and so shall I send My quake, for no man or instruments will pick up My quake’.  It was audible and He answered me instantly.”

“The prophetic word had come in at a worship New Year’s service in 1978 in Minneapolis, MN. That the Lord was going to bring an earthquake that will split the U.S. in half like from Chicago to New Orleans, at least 50 miles wide. Towns and hospitals will fall into the big dark hole. Then it was confirmed by my friend and daughter’s youth pastor at a prophetic service. During the break, I told her what the Lord had spoken to me in 1988 and she said, ‘Carol, that was the year my husband and I got married, and I was having a devotional one evening and the Lord showed me in a vision the earth breaking open from like Canada to New Orleans‘. We just stared at each other for we didn’t know each other when these things came forth. She said, ‘Carol, it was so horrific I screamed!'”

In further talking with Carol I realized she has not totally understood the meaning of that verse in connection with those words except that it was speaking prophetically about the last days. I told her that when it says in the verse “The DAY that Noah entered the Ark” that was prophetically when the DAY of the LORD would begin in our future! Carol was being told by revelation a Major event that will happen on the DAY of the Lord.