25 Reasons Why Our Society Is In Decline

American Flag Tattered - Public Domain

What in the world is happening to America?  We can see evidence of the decay that is eating away at our society like cancer all around us.  We are being destroyed in literally thousands of different ways, and yet very few people are alarmed about this.  Recently, a reader named Doug sent the following list of 25 reasons why the United States is in decline.  I thought that I would share it with all of you…

1) Affirmative Action
2) Women’s Liberation
3) Liberal Media Propaganda
4) Political Correctness
5) Moral Relativism
6) Family Destruction
7) Spiritual War on Christians
8) Government Centralization
9) Socialism Tyranny
10) Sense of Entitlement
11) Globalism
12) Sexual Revolution
13) Illegal Immigration
14) Broken Rule of Law
15) Fractional Reserve Banking
16) Debt Explosion
17) Protected Cartels
18) Public Pension Funds
19) Wars & Rumors of Wars
20) Technology Advancements
21) Offshoring Manufacturing and Jobs
22) Excessive Taxation
23) Progressive Democrat Corruption
24) Bread and Circuses for the Masses
25) Instant Gratification

Do you have anything else that you would add to this list?

If so, please feel free to share it by posting a comment below…