Shocking Video Shows How Abortions Kill More African-Americans Than Every Other Cause Combined February 12, 2017
Tomorrow Will Bring a Full Snow Moon, a Lunar Eclipse, and a Comet… All on the Same Day February 9, 2017
Based On Current Trends, It Is Only A Matter Of Time Before The Gay Population In The U.S. Is Larger Than The Evangelical Population February 8, 2017
Planned Parenthood Workers That Reached Abortion Sales Quota Goals Were Rewarded With Pizza Parties February 7, 2017
Inside the Canadian polygamist community where leader has 145 children, 27 wives and members smuggled their daughters as young as 13 across the border to marry Warren Jeffs February 5, 2017
Leftist Actress Sarah Silverman Calls for Military Overthrow of “Fascist” Donald Trump February 2, 2017
Sales of survival food and prepping supplies crash as wave of optimism follows Trump’s election victory January 27, 2017