New Jersey school board member resigns after she accidentally left her Zoom on while going to the bathroom in a public meeting leaving the 150 attendees bemused November 25, 2020
Stunning data for Fairfax County, VA’s largest school system, shows HUGE academic cost of online learning — Fs up by 83% this year November 24, 2020
Armed Baltimore Gangs Target Delivery Drivers In Recent Wave Of Carjackings And Robberies November 24, 2020
Florida Man Decided He Would Prove Everyone Wrong By Driving His Gigantic Monster Truck Around In The Ocean November 23, 2020
‘It was a choice of living or dying’: Teen who was crushed by his 4-ton forklift truck defies the odds and survives after having the entire bottom half of his body amputated November 23, 2020
Pope Francis meets with NBA players and praises them for demanding “social justice” November 23, 2020
Don’t count on finding toilet paper on your next run to Target or Walmart. COVID-19 panic buying is on a roll again. November 23, 2020
The Great Relocation: Americans Are Relocating By The Millions Because They Can Feel What Is Coming November 22, 2020