DPS Quietly Covers for Minneapolis PD, National Guard, After They Shoot Paint Rounds at Women on Their Porch

(By Daisy Luther) A shocking cell phone video has emerged from Minneapolis showing authorities ordering a group of women off their porch and shooting paint rounds at them when they don’t comply quickly enough.

The group of women was shown watching a small army of uniformed people thought to be members of the National Guard and the Minneapolis Police Department. The officers were allegedly enforcing the city’s curfew due to riots and violence after the death of George Floyd at the hands of a member of the Minneapolis PD.

Even worse, the Minnesota Dept of Public Safety tried to cover for officers.

According to the curfew order by the governor of Minnesota, people were not allowed to be in public areas, including streets.

Last night, according to the city’s “Frequently Asked Questions” about the curfew, the women were well within their rights to be outdoors on their porch. But the Minnesota Department of Public Safety quietly changed that answer after the video emerged.

Luckily, the internet is forever and there’s an archive that shows last night’s answer.

Today, however, it says you must follow orders to go inside if you’re told to by authorities.

Whoopsie. That’s gotta be embarrassing.

Never think it can’t happen to you.

If Selco has taught us anything, it ought to be: never think it can’t happen to you, no matter who you are, no matter where you are. Be sure to sign up for his live webinar to make sure you’re ready for anything during this time of great unrest.

If you think your constitutional rights are safe right now and that our freedom is guaranteed, this video should clearly prove you’re mistaken.  If you think that those women should have immediately “complied” with orders barked at them even though they were within their rights (at least last night) to be outdoors, then you never really believed in freedom to begin with.

About the Author: Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, gun-toting blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, voluntaryism, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, The Organic Prepper. She is widely republished across alternative media and she curates all the most important news links on her aggregate site, PreppersDailyNews.com. Daisy is the best-selling author of 4 books and lives in the mountains of Virginia with her two daughters and an ever-growing menagerie. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, and Twitter.