Michael And Meranda Snyder Announce The Launch Of Their New Television Show

The Watch - Michael and Meranda Snyder

After an extraordinary amount of hard work, Michael and Meranda Snyder are pleased to announce that the very first episode of their television show has finally been released. Our show is called “The Watch”, because that is really what we are – we are watchmen on the wall trying to sound the alarm as loudly as we can. Many of you already know me as the publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog and End Of The American Dream, and now this new program will allow you to get to know my wife as well. In this first episode we spend some time simply introducing ourselves, and future programs will focus much more heavily on news and information. But of course we do discuss some very interesting things in this episode such as the 13 dead bald eagles, Obama’s plan to divide the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem, and the terrible flooding down in Louisiana and Texas. Our shows will be airing on Christian television, but they will also be available on YouTube. You can watch the very first episode right here

This is something that is very new for both of us. A number of years ago I used to make some short YouTube videos that were very amateurish, but to do something that can go up on television is something else entirely.

So we had to go out and get some brand new equipment, and we had to learn Final Cut Pro from scratch. It has been a very humbling experience, but it is good to stretch our comfort zones.

You will be able to find future episodes on our YouTube channel right here. And if you enjoyed this first show, please hit the subscribe button on our channel page.

Just like on The Economic Collapse Blog and our other websites, we want to provide the very best news and information that we possibly can. If there is something that you would like us to discuss, please let us know.

This show will also be much more focused on Bible prophecy, the last days and the book of Revelation than my regular writing is. As I mentioned above, these programs will be airing on Christian television, and during future episodes I plan to address many of the topics that I discuss in my upcoming book about Bible prophecy.

I know that for a lot of people Bible prophecy is a very sensitive topic. Many people have very deep emotional attachments to the theories that they have been taught, and my wife and I are not here to upset people. Our goal is to very clearly explain what the Bible has to say about the days to come, and we hope to do so in a spirit of humility.

In the end, we all need to be good Bereans. No matter how much of an “expert” someone is, we all need to dig into the Scriptures for ourselves to see if what they are saying is actually true. And that is what I would encourage you to do with our material. Dig into the Bible for yourself and come to your own conclusions.

And what is far more important than who is “right” and who is “wrong” about Bible prophecy is that we all learn to love one another. When I was younger, I thought that knowledge was one of the key signs of spiritual maturity, but now I realize that spiritual maturity is far more about how much you love than it is about how much you know.

In these last days, we all need to learn to love, because there is no other way that we are going to make it through what is ahead. We are moving into the most tumultuous time in all of human history, and we need to understand who our friends are. There are some believers that seem to love strife and discord. Even though the world is attacking us from a thousand different directions, they seem to take glee in turning their guns on those that are standing in the trenches next to them.

In this new show, my wife and I will be sharing a message of warning, but we will also be sharing a message of hope.

Yes, the times ahead are going to be filled with chaos and darkness. In fact, many people do not even have the capacity to imagine how hard the years ahead are going to be. But in the midst of all of the chaos and all of the darkness God is going to be doing some extraordinary things.

My wife and I believe that God is raising up a Remnant in these last days that is going to look very much like the earliest followers of Jesus. This Remnant is going to keep God’s commandments, it is going to bring in the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever seen, and it is going to be greatly empowered by the Holy Spirit.

There is no individual, group, organization or denomination that is leading the Remnant. In fact, the Remnant is rising almost entirely outside of the institutional church. It is an organic move of God that is starting to flourish all over the world, and I hear from people literally all over the planet that are starting to wake up to these things.

We are going to go back and do things the way that they did them in the book of Acts, and we believe that this will be the generation that will see the greatest move of God in the history of the world.

So even though the world is entering a nightmare of epic proportions, there will be great hope even in the middle of that nightmare. My wife and I are convinced that the greatest chapters of our lives are ahead of us, and we are constantly asking God to allow us to be part of the great move of God that is coming.

Because even if we know what is coming, there is no guarantee that any of us automatically gets to be part of it.

We all need to be seeking God like never before and asking Him to purify us so that we can be used during the times ahead.

Now is not the time to dig a hole and try to hide from the world. As society crumbles all around us, people are going to be watching how you respond. Will you respond with fear and despair, or will you respond with strength, courage and hope?

As for my wife and I, we plan to spread a message of hope in the midst of the storm, and that is one of the primary reasons why we have started this new show.