‘We Did All We Could, But It Wasn’t Enough’ – Simulation Ends With Large Asteroid Slamming Into New York City

Earlier this month, a large group of scientists from all over the globe gathered in College Park, Maryland to simulate various asteroid threat scenarios. In one of the scenarios, an asteroid was heading directly for New York City, and it turned out that there was nothing that anyone could do to stop it.  The following comes from WUSA9

At this stage in simulation — everyone broke up into four groups to finish the exercise: emergency managers, people directly impacted by the asteroid, those indirectly impacted by the asteroid, and the media.

Over the next 30 minutes, we role-played:

‘What are those people thinking?’… ‘How do we evacuate those who don’t have the means to evacuate themselves?’ … ‘I live one state away and am worried about asteroid survivors invading and interrupting my way of life’ … ‘I want to help, but don’t know how’ … ‘We need to hold the government accountable for their failure to stop the asteroid’…