Benjamin Netanyahu: International peace proposals are being forced on Israel, push it to indefensible borders

Benjamin Netanyahu

Ahead of a visit by French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius on Sunday, who is expected to push a UN Security Council Resolution regarding a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Netanyahu said that “in the international proposals that are presented to us, and in fact forced upon us, there is no real addressing Israel’s security needs and its other national interests.”

“They simply try to push us to indefensible borders, while completely ignoring what will exist on the other side of the border,” he said. “This will lead to the results that we are seeing, and experiencing at the expense of our flesh from Gaza and Lebanon,” Netanyahu said.

He vowed to reject any effort to force a solution to the conflict on Israel from the outside, saying that the only way to reach an agreement was through bilateral negotiations.

(Read the rest of the story here…)