Thieves in Texas steal tiny house from ‘green living’ couple right after they built it January 5, 2015
Two cops shot by suspect they pulled over – only to find he had the bodies of retired fire chief and wife hidden in his truck after ‘killing them and burning their house down in random home invasion’ January 2, 2015
Deputy sheriff in New York arrested after ‘taking nude photos of woman outside her home without her knowledge and posting them online’ January 2, 2015
SWAT team disfigured toddler with grenade – Habersham County, Georgia, leaves family with $1 million in medical debt January 1, 2015
Palestinians Continue to Pursue Statehood – Israel Continues to Rely on the U.S. to Stop Them January 1, 2015
Federal Reserve Hiring ‘Emergency Preparedness Specialist Familiar With DHS Directives’ January 1, 2015
Death penalty sought for couple who tortured son, 3, in house of horrors where dents in wall showed where they ‘hung him upside down to whip him’ January 1, 2015
Metaphor For America: Starving 4 Pound Baby Dies In Car While Parents Eat At Golden Corral December 31, 2014