Could Wifi be harming YOUR health? That’s what a growing number of people believe is triggering their headaches, nausea and crippling pain

Woman Headache - Public Domain

Up to 5 percent of the population — more than 3 million people — believe they are affected by some degree of electro-sensitivity, an allergy to the radiowaves and microwaves emitted by devices.

These range from mobile phones to television screens and even light bulbs. The waves are a form of non-ionising radiation, designed to be too low in frequency to affect people.

However, EHS sufferers believe this low-level radiation is capable of causing harm, and report symptoms ranging from headaches, lethargy and nausea to breathing difficulties and even paralysis. They also fear the radiation may cause cancer, autoimmune diseases and neurological disorders in the long-term.

(Read the rest of the story here…)