This is what it feels like to be unemployed for years

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“It wasn’t that the skills were going; it’s that my memory wasn’t as good,” says Brian Hatfield, a 33-year-old from Escondido, California. After a recent, one-year bout of unemployment, he says had forgotten a few minor, basic skills from his former administrative and retail jobs. But it wasn’t those that troubled him — he found himself getting duller and slower in day-to-day conversations.

He might not use the term, but Hatfield is describing a phenomenon economists call skill erosion, the tendency of the long-term unemployed to lose their skills (and therefore their value) in the labor market. Even while the headline unemployment rate falls, those who have been out of work for a long time, sometimes years, are feeling the lingering damage of the recession on a personal level. And even while the number of unemployed falls, the share who are out of work six months or more remains abnormally high.

(Read the rest of the story here…)