10 Visions Of America’s Judgment Given To TD Hale

TD Hale is another prominent minister that has been repeatedly shown that great judgment will hit America soon.  On February 15, 2016 he posted a condensed summary of 10 visions of America’s judgment that he has been given on Facebook.  Considering what is currently taking place, I found vision five to be particularly chilling.  According to Hale, America “will be pulled into a war”.  The following is a completely unedited version of what Hale originally posted…

Visions of Coming Judgment ~ Pastor T.D. Hale (Condensed version)

Vision One: Storms, drought, plagues, famine overseas, great trouble. (Dec. 26)

Vision Two: I saw an attack on Israel, a heavy attack. No timeline but much weeping as I heard the scripture, “Rachel weeping for her children.” (Dec. 26)

Vision Three: I saw a land mass, very big. I believe it to be America. I saw the Tectonic Plates start back and forth and then the land raised up and buildings swaying back and forth like drunk men. Panic, people running for cover but also running for food. (Dec. 26)

Vision Four: I begin to see so much hungry coming that people were trying to capture birds, anything and eat them. Raw! (Dec. 26)

Vision Five: WAR – I was taken in the middle of war. I could see the fighting on the ground, in the air, people coming out of planes, could not make out where but I could see Americans fighting. She will be pulled into a war. (Dec. 26)

Vision Six: The Stock Market Bull (Dec. 26) I was standing in N.Y. oddly in front of this so called brass bull. As I was looking at it, it started to move his head as if it was coming alive. It look at me in a very mean way as if it was going to attack me. Just as a bull fighter standing in an arena, it begin to move his hoof back and forth, back and forth. From his nostrils came out smoke at first, from there next came fire. I thought, “I better get out of the way.” About that time I moved quickly and it begin to charge towards me as I moved and when it did, I quickly turned so it would miss me. When I turned, I was looking in from of the stock market. It ran as hard as it could towards that building and hit the front of the build in full force. The whole front of that building begin to crack into a million pieces and tumbled down.

Vision Seven: A heavy Fear, grief, stress and Depression came upon people. I could see their faces in what looked like panic. People wondering around aimlessly. The Spirit of the Lord said to tell the people to get into heavy prayer NOW. (Dec. 26)

Vision Eight: I saw the map of America. All of the U.S. I could see Islamic flags all over the nation but not just Islamic flags, ISIS! (Dec. 26)

Vision Nine: I saw people holding gold in their hands, silver coins and it all turned into sand and went through their fingers. In this same vision, I could see oil wells on land but the odd thing is that I could see many all over and each one blew like a gusher opening up going into the air, down to the ground and the ground took it back in like water going back into the ground. (Dec. 26)

Vision Ten: WOE, WOE, WOE to those who have not been sealed in the day of calamity. I saw people kneeing by themselves praying and an angel stepped up and wrote on their head. People were being sealed with the Holy Ghost because of the condition of their hearts were ready to receive. They were not in a church, they were in their bedroom, living room and so on. One by one, people dropping to their knees. (Dec. 26)