After the water is gone, the soil is gone, the crops are gone and the superweeds take over, how exactly will Americans feed their families?

Drought - No Swimming Sign - Photo by Peripitus

“The Ogallala Aquifer spreads across eight states, from Texas to South Dakota, covering 111.8 million acres and 175,000 square miles,” reports NBC News. (1) “It’s the fountain of life not only for much of the Texas Panhandle, but also for the entire American Breadbasket of the Great Plains, a highly-sophisticated, amazingly-productive agricultural region that literally helps feed the world.”

Unfortunately, it’s also running out of water. That same NBC News story goes on to report, “Billions could starve,” echoing an article I wrote for Natural News three years ago in which I stated, “America’s breadbasket is on a collision course with the inevitable.”

Once again, the warnings many people first read on Natural News are now coming to pass. But it’s already too late to stop the collapse. We are now staring down the gun barrel of the inevitable.

“The scope of this mounting crisis is difficult to overstate,” reports NBC. “If groundwater production goes unabated, vast portions of several counties in the southern High Plains will soon have little water left in the aquifer to be of any practical value.”

(Read the rest of the story here…)