Ebola Pandemic Update: Probable Cases In Brazil And Paris, 7 More Isolated In Spain, WHO Warning

Despite claims of containment, Reuters reports seven more people turned themselves in late on Thursday to an Ebola isolation unit in Madrid; but following a visit by PM Rajoy, Spanish citizens can relax as the government is setting up a special Ebola committee. Following yesterday’s scare in Paris, The Independent reports authorities are investigating a ‘probable’ case of a French national who may have contracted the disease in Africa. The World Health organization has warned that East Asia is at risk of becoming a “hot spot” for diseases – but is well prepared after SARS and avian flu but it is the appearance of a confirmed case in Brazil that is most concerning.

South African patient isolated for suspected case of hemorrhagic fever – tested for Ebola

A man from Potchefstroom has been isolated after he showed signs of hemorrhagic fever, the North West health department said on Thursday. “The 72-year-old man from one of the farming communities in Potchefstroom came to hospital on 8 October 2014 after hours,” spokesperson Tebogo Lekgethwane said in a statement. “This patient came complaining of fever, weaknesses and a cough.

Dallas Officer Says 3 Cops Exposed to Ebola Are Feeling Sick

This interview was done by CNN and the man speaking in it is the President of the Fraternal Order of Law Enforcement for Dallas. He just said the cops were not wearing any kind of protective gear when they entered Duncan’s infected apartment, because they were told it was safe to enter. To make matters worse, he actually received a phone call ten minutes before going on CNN from “2 more” who were exposed and yeah, you guessed it… They are all feeling sick.

ISIS ‘could turn into Ebola suicide bombs’

ISLAMIC State members could be planning to infect themselves with Ebola and travelling to the West, waging bio-terror as “suicide bombs”, according to a military expert. Captain Al Shimkus, Ret., a Professor of National Security Affairs at the US Naval War College, said terrorist groups like IS could easily use human carriers to widely disseminate the deadly virus via the world’s air transportation system.

Briton dies of suspected Ebola in Macedonia, his hotel sealed off

A Briton with symptoms of Ebola has died in Macedonia, local authorities said. The hotel in Skopje where he was staying has been sealed off, while another Briton and hotel staff are being kept inside to prevent possible spreading of infection. According to Macedonian authorities the man came to Skopje from London on October 2 and was taken to hospital on Thursday where he died several hours later.

‘Genetic Strains of Ebola that have Never been Seen Before’

The current outbreak (which actually began on or before December, 2013) presents genetic strains of Ebola that have never been seen before.  The Guinea variant of Ebola was itself novel enough to form its own clade.  Now, via Recombinomics and with respect to Sierra Leone, we have:

Video: Man Pulled Off US Airways Flight After Joking He had Ebola

In a remarkable video shot by a passenger aboard a US Airways flight from Philadelphia to the Dominican Republic, an American man was interrogated and escorted from the plane by hazmat-suited medics after joking that he had the ebola virus. The 54-year-old American, as yet unidentified reportedly yelled, “I have ebola, you are all screwed.” He was also thought to have shouted “I’ve been to Africa!

The ominous math of the Ebola epidemic

When the experts describe the Ebola disaster, they do so with numbers. The statistics include not just the obvious ones, such as caseloads, deaths and the rate of infection, but also the ones that describe the speed of the global response. Right now, the math still favors the virus.

New patient exhibiting ‘signs and symptoms of Ebola’ in Texas

Crews are preparing to transport a patient exhibiting “signs and symptoms of Ebola” from a Frisco CareNow to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas. The CareNow is located in the 300 block of Main Street. Patients are currently being held inside the clinic as crews at the scene examine staff and others inside the building.

Ebola Devastates Whole Villages in Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone’s Darru district, the remote village of Njallah Geima is one of the worst hit by Ebola. Since May, more than half of the 200 people who live there have been infected with Ebola, killing 61 of them in just eight weeks. The remote village sits on a single road.

Spanish Ebola nurse Teresa Romero Ramos ‘followed all protocols’ and has ‘no idea’ how she contracted virus

The Spanish nurse who became the first person to contract Ebola in Europe has said she followed all protocols and does not know how she became infected with the virus. Teresa Romero Ramos, who helped treat two Spanish missionaries who died after returning from Africa with Ebola, tested positive for the disease on Monday. In a brief interview with Spanish newspaper El Mundo, the nurse was asked how she may have fallen ill, to which she replied:

Connecticut Governor Declares State of Emergency Over Ebola as a Precaution

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy has declared a public health emergency for the state as a precaution during the Ebola epidemic that is affecting several countries in western Africa. He signed an order declaring the emergency on Tuesday and it gives the commissioner of the state Department of Public Health the authority to quarantine and isolate people whom the commissioner “reasonably believes has been exposed to the Ebola virus.

Dallas Ebola victim’s stepdaughter is given all clear to return to work as nursing assistant

The stepdaughter of Texas Ebola victim, Thomas Duncan, who called 911 and rode in the ambulance with the man she calls ‘Daddy’ has been told she can return to work, MailOnline can reveal. Nursing assistant Youngor Jallah, 35, has been in ‘quarantine’ in her small Dallas apartment along with her husband, Aaron Yah, 43, and their four children ages 2 to 11 since Thomas Duncan’s devastating diagnosis last Monday. MailOnline has reported that Mr Yah, also a nursing assistant, had been told he could return to work at the end of last week.

Spanish nurse first to contract Ebola outside West Africa

A Spanish nurse who last month treated a priest in Madrid who died of Ebola has tested positive for the disease, becoming the first to contract it outside West Africa, a source within the health authorities said on Monday. The nurse treated elderly priest Manuel Garcia Viejo at the Madrid hospital Carlos III when he was repatriated from Sierra Leone with the disease. Garcia Viejo died days later, the second Spanish priest to die after being repatriated from Africa with the disease.

Why Won’t Obama Ban Air Travel From Countries Where Ebola Is Out Of Control?

Why does Barack Obama refuse to take even the most basic steps to protect Americans from Ebola? Even though it has already been demonstrated that Ebola can be brought over to the United States by a passenger on an airplane, Obama refuses to do anything that would even restrict air travel from nations where Ebola is spiraling out of control. Back in September, Obama said that it was “unlikely” that any individual with Ebola could get through the “extensive screening” at our airports and pose a threat to the general population.

During An Ebola Pandemic In The United States All Of Your Rights Would Essentially Be Meaningless

If there is a major Ebola pandemic in America, all of the liberties and the freedoms that you currently enjoy would be gone. If government officials believe that you have the virus, federal law allows them to round you up and detain you “for such time and in such manner as may be reasonably necessary.” In addition, the CDC already has the authority to quarantine healthy Americans if they reasonably believe that they may become sick.