Former FDA Official Warns of ‘Spooky Scenarios’ if Ebola Hits U.S.

Ebola Spooky - Public Domain

Former FDA official Scott Gottlieb, M.D. warns that under current CDC procedures, healthy Americans who show no symptoms of the virus could be detained indefinitely if Ebola hits the United States.

In an article for Forbes entitled If Ebola Arrives In The U.S., Stopping It May Rely On Controversial Tools, Gottlieb, former Director of Medical Policy Development for the Food and Drug Administration, asserts that Ebola is likely to arrive in the U.S. and that if it does the CDC will invoke powers to “hold a healthy person against his will.”

“Given the deadly nature of the Ebola virus, and the popular worry it’s likely to engender, one can expect the CDC and health authorities to pull out all the stops. The response could include invocation of the CDC’s evolving quarantine authorities,” writes Gottlieb, noting the CDC’s “sweeping authority to hold and isolate Americans in a public health emergency.”

(Read the rest of the story here…)