The incessant propaganda campaign waged by Democrats and the Obama administration characterizing an unprecedented wave of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. as refugees fleeing from violence has shaped public perception of the crisis.
Just over a quarter of respondents to a Public Religion Research Institute survey believe underage immigrants are entering the country illegally, while nearly 70 percent say the federal government should treat the children as refugees and not illegal immigrants.
“Of those polled, 56 percent said the families of children coming from Central America were acting to keep the young people safe from violence in their home countries. Some 38 percent of those polled said the families were ‘taking advantage of American good will’ and trying to stay illegally in the United States,” The New York Times reports.
A law enforcement intelligence report, however, disputes the claim about Central American violence pushed by the government. Instead, according to a report received by KRGV, the influx is the direct result of people in Central America being told they will be provided with permits and be allowed to stay in the United States and “reunite with their families and better themselves financially.”
The report also states violence in Central America is in decline. According to an elite, law-enforcement sensitive El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC) intel report from July 7, 2014:
In late May, the U.S. Border Patrol interviewed unaccompanied children (UAC) and migrant families apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley. Of the 230 total migrants interviewed, 219 cited the primary reason for migrating to the United States was the perception of U.S. immigration laws granting free passes or permisos to UAC and adult female OTMs traveling with minors. Migrants indicated that knowledge of permisos was widespread across Central America due to word of mouth, local, and international media messaging—prompting many to depart for the United States within 30 days of becoming aware of these perceived benefits, according to the same reporting.
The establishment media has not reported on the EPIC findings and other information indicating the flood of illegal immigrants has little to do with violence. Because of this many Americans are left with a distorted and less than factual view of what is happening along the border in Texas and elsewhere in the Southwest.
(Read the rest of the story here…)