In the past few years I have been on a personal journey. What led me to take that journey was a question that I asked myself. One day I was sitting behind my computer screen, just like I am doing now, and I had to ask myself, “Where are all the real men in Christianity today?”
I am not talking about all those famous self-help guru pastors, or the airplane hair / shiny suit types you see on TV.
Where are all the real men?
I was amazed at my own answer… (yes, I do have conversations with myself at times as crazy as that sounds) My answer kind of hit me from out of no-where.
“We have asked them to cut off their nether regions and become women.”
Wow. As hard as that is to hear, it’s the truth.
I look back when I was growing up. The one rule I had when I was 3-4 years old was to be properly dressed in my cowboy hat, vest, chaps and guns. We played cops & robbers, cowboys and Indians. We climbed trees, scrapped knees, jumped our 3 speed bike off of ramps. Yeah, that one did not go as well. Bent the wheels and the cross bar collided with the neither regions. Mental note, no more jumping with my 3 speed.
We were boys who would grow into men.
We got dirty and played in the mud, even ate some of it when a buddy pushed my face into his mud pie. Later in school, boys became men where we were challenged and competitive. We did things together. We worked together, hung out together, fought together and played together. There was a sense of competition, adventure and camaraderie.
(Read the rest of the story here…)