Russia Prepares for War

Russian War Room - Photo from Russian Defense Ministry

Russian media has announced the government is preparing for war.

Russia Today reports the country now has a new fortified national defense facility located in Moscow that “would take control of the entire country in case of war.” The cost of the project is estimated at several billion dollars.

“The creation of NDCC [National Defense Control Center] was one of the biggest military projects of the past few years. The closest analogy in the past in terms of functions and tasks was the Commander-in-Chief HQ in 1941-45, which centralized all controls of both the military machine and the economy of the nation in the interests of the war,” Lt. General Mikhail Mizintsev, the NDCC chief, said during an interview.

The National Defense Control Center replaces an old facility that monitored nuclear weapons deployment by the West. It is compared to the U.S. National Military Command Center located deep inside the Pentagon that provides the Joint Chiefs with worldwide situation monitoring and crisis management.

In addition to a number of large war rooms and an underground complex, the facility hosts a state-of-the-art supercomputer, RT reports. Described as “very robust,” the computer network features data encryption and numerous backup sites located around the country that will keep the center functional even if its main facility in Moscow is damaged by an enemy attack or sabotage.

(Read the rest of the story here…)