South African patient isolated for suspected case of hemorrhagic fever – tested for Ebola

A man from Potchefstroom has been isolated after he showed signs of hemorrhagic fever, the North West health department said on Thursday. “The 72-year-old man from one of the farming communities in Potchefstroom came to hospital on 8 October 2014 after hours,” spokesperson Tebogo Lekgethwane said in a statement. “This patient came complaining of fever, weaknesses and a cough.

College is ripping you off: Students are cash cows, and schools the predators

An educational publisher wrote to me a few months back; they wanted to reprint an essay of mine that they had seen on the Internet, where it is available for free. The textbook in which they wanted to include it, they said, would be “inexpensively priced,” and authors were therefore being asked to keep their reprint fees to a minimum. The low, low price that students were to pay for this textbook:

Dallas Officer Says 3 Cops Exposed to Ebola Are Feeling Sick

This interview was done by CNN and the man speaking in it is the President of the Fraternal Order of Law Enforcement for Dallas. He just said the cops were not wearing any kind of protective gear when they entered Duncan’s infected apartment, because they were told it was safe to enter. To make matters worse, he actually received a phone call ten minutes before going on CNN from “2 more” who were exposed and yeah, you guessed it… They are all feeling sick.

Rockefeller Foundation fictional scenario depicts pandemic to be used for ‘top-down government control’

A Rockefeller Foundation white paper published in May of 2010 titled Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development takes a look at hypothetical future scenarios which may be used to benefit privy globalist corporations, businessmen and organizations at a later time. Shockingly published in the Scenario Narratives section on page 18, titled Lock Step, the Rockefeller Foundation nearly hit the nail on the head with their futuristic and fictitious scenario. I mean what are the chances?

ISIS ‘could turn into Ebola suicide bombs’

ISLAMIC State members could be planning to infect themselves with Ebola and travelling to the West, waging bio-terror as “suicide bombs”, according to a military expert. Captain Al Shimkus, Ret., a Professor of National Security Affairs at the US Naval War College, said terrorist groups like IS could easily use human carriers to widely disseminate the deadly virus via the world’s air transportation system.

As Comet Nears Mars, NASA Gears Up for Epic Encounter

A comet will give Mars a historically close shave next weekend, and NASA aims to be ready for the dramatic cosmic event. The space agency has already trained a number of its science assets onComet Siding Spring, which will zoom within 87,000 miles (139,500 kilometers) of Mars on Oct. 19 — about one-third the distance between Earth and the moon.

Briton dies of suspected Ebola in Macedonia, his hotel sealed off

A Briton with symptoms of Ebola has died in Macedonia, local authorities said. The hotel in Skopje where he was staying has been sealed off, while another Briton and hotel staff are being kept inside to prevent possible spreading of infection. According to Macedonian authorities the man came to Skopje from London on October 2 and was taken to hospital on Thursday where he died several hours later.

Why Americans Are Drowning in Medical Debt

After his recent herniated-disk surgery, Peter Drier was ready for the $56,000 hospital charge, the $4,300 anesthesiologist bill, and the $133,000 fee for orthopedist. All were either in-network under his insurance or had been previously negotiated. But as Elisabeth Rosenthal recently explained in her great New York Times piece, he wasn’t quite prepared for a $117,000 bill from an “assistant surgeon”—an out-of-network doctor that the hospital tacked on at the last minute.

‘Genetic Strains of Ebola that have Never been Seen Before’

The current outbreak (which actually began on or before December, 2013) presents genetic strains of Ebola that have never been seen before.  The Guinea variant of Ebola was itself novel enough to form its own clade.  Now, via Recombinomics and with respect to Sierra Leone, we have:

CBS Buries Poor Approval Ratings for Obama, Democrats Ahead of Midterms

On Wednesday night, the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley made no mention of the results from the latest CBS News poll that gave President Obama and Democrats poor marks ahead of the November 4 midterm elections on issues ranging from the economy to ISIS to terrorism to who voters are most likely to vote for. Regarding the midterm elections, Republicans find themselves ahead of Democrats on both a generic ballot and specific issues. Republicans have a six point lead against Democrats overall (49 percent to 43 percent with those leaning left or right, 46 percent to 40 percent without) and a five point lead who voters would like most to see takeover the Senate (47 percent to 42 percent).

Video: Man Pulled Off US Airways Flight After Joking He had Ebola

In a remarkable video shot by a passenger aboard a US Airways flight from Philadelphia to the Dominican Republic, an American man was interrogated and escorted from the plane by hazmat-suited medics after joking that he had the ebola virus. The 54-year-old American, as yet unidentified reportedly yelled, “I have ebola, you are all screwed.” He was also thought to have shouted “I’ve been to Africa!

China reports over 27,000 dengue fever cases

An outbreak of mosquito-borne dengue fever in China has killed six people and infected more than 27,200, a Chinese health authority spokeswoman said on Thursday. Song Shuli, spokeswoman of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, said that this year witnessed an apparent increase of dengue cases with most of them found in China’s southern regions, including Guangdong, Fujian, Yunnan and Guangxi. Unusually high temperatures and humid weather have contributed to a mosquito population in South China five times as high as normal, fuelling the outbreak, health officials said.

Where is North Korean leader Kim Jong Un?

The mystery of Kim Jong Un’s whereabouts deepened Friday after the North Korean leader appeared to have missed a ceremony to pay tribute to his late father and grandfather on what is an important national anniversary. Kim’s name was absent from the list of attendees at the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun in Pyongyang on the 69th anniversary of the Workers’ Party of North Korea, issued by state news agency KCNA on Friday. The Workers’ Party, founded in 1945, is North Korea’s political party and is considered one of the country’s most crucial institutions alongside the military.

The ominous math of the Ebola epidemic

When the experts describe the Ebola disaster, they do so with numbers. The statistics include not just the obvious ones, such as caseloads, deaths and the rate of infection, but also the ones that describe the speed of the global response. Right now, the math still favors the virus.

China Makes Bid to Become Part of SDR as New World Currency

The government is very good at making things overly complicated for the purpose of obscuring what’s really going on from the public,” observed hedge fund manager Erik Townsend during our interview in May. He was making a point about the 2008 bailouts. The Federal Reserve played a leading role, applying trillions in paper-clip and rubber-band solutions.

Serious Financial Trouble Is Erupting In Germany And Japan

There are some who believe that the next great financial crash will not begin in the United States. Instead, they are convinced that a financial crisis that begins in Europe or in Japan (or both) will end up spreading across the globe and take down the U.S.