New patient exhibiting ‘signs and symptoms of Ebola’ in Texas

Crews are preparing to transport a patient exhibiting “signs and symptoms of Ebola” from a Frisco CareNow to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas. The CareNow is located in the 300 block of Main Street. Patients are currently being held inside the clinic as crews at the scene examine staff and others inside the building.

‘We’re Screwed’: MSM Caught on Hot Mic at White House Ebola Press Briefing

For a little insight into what our mainstream media really thinks (but will never say), check out what CBS News Chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett and two of his colleagues said when Garrett apparently forgot his mic was still on after the White House’s October 3rd press briefing on the government’s Ebola response ended. Now, Aaron and I are in no way saying “we’re screwed.” We’re just trying to show you these mainstream reporters obviously don’t believe the government’s b.

Ebola Devastates Whole Villages in Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone’s Darru district, the remote village of Njallah Geima is one of the worst hit by Ebola. Since May, more than half of the 200 people who live there have been infected with Ebola, killing 61 of them in just eight weeks. The remote village sits on a single road.

Spanish Ebola nurse Teresa Romero Ramos ‘followed all protocols’ and has ‘no idea’ how she contracted virus

The Spanish nurse who became the first person to contract Ebola in Europe has said she followed all protocols and does not know how she became infected with the virus. Teresa Romero Ramos, who helped treat two Spanish missionaries who died after returning from Africa with Ebola, tested positive for the disease on Monday. In a brief interview with Spanish newspaper El Mundo, the nurse was asked how she may have fallen ill, to which she replied:

There are 110 MILLION cases of sexually transmitted diseases in the United States – and 20 million new infections every year

New statistics reveal that an astonishing number of individuals in the United States are infected with sexually transmitted diseases. According to the Center for Disease Control, there are a total of 110 million STDs among the men and women of America, with 20 million new cases being reported every year. The direct medical cost of these infections is said to be $16 billion.

CDC Suggests ‘Hermetically Sealed Coffins’ For Ebola Victims – AKA ‘Fema Coffins’

I remember years back when I was still writing for my original website,, we came across a then little known video of air tight “coffin liners”, hundreds of thousands, stacked in a field in the middle of Madison, Georgia in close proximity to Atlanta and the home of the CDC.  We helped break that story which immediately swept through independent media circles.

Obama Ebola Bumper Stickers Appear Around Los Angeles

Vice President Joe Biden held up traffic around Los Angeles for a second day on Tuesday, but it was President Obama himself on the minds of many Southern California drivers as bumper stickers began appearing on area cars featuring the word Ebola with the Obama logo replacing the letter “o.” The scathing stickers come on the eve of President Obama’s Thursday trip to LA for a fundraiser at the home of Gwyneth Paltrow and on the same day that the LATimes reports that it may be premature for Mr. Obama’s government to declare that the deadly Ebola virus is not transmitted by air.

Nebraska Schools Ban Term ‘Boys And Girls’, Train Teachers To Avoid ‘Gendered Expressions’

In what is possibly one of the most unsettling examples of political correctness, schools in Lincoln Nebraska are training teachers to completely disavow gender, and avoid referring to pupils as ‘boys and girls’. Liberty minded Independent news website Nebraska Watchdog uncovered the documents. In one handout, entitled “12 easy steps on the way to gender inclusiveness” teachers are advised to “Avoid asking kids to line up as boys or girls or separating them by gender.

World Bank issues dire warning about Ebola’s economic impact

The economic impact of the Ebola epidemic could reach $32.6 billion by the end of next year if the disease ravaging Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone spreads to neighboring countries in West Africa, the World Bank Group said Wednesday. The World Bank’s assessment said the economic impact of Ebola is already serious in the three countries and could be catastrophic if it becomes a more regional health crisis.

29-year-old woman: Why I’m taking my own life

A young woman who has fearlessly run half-marathons and climbed Mount Kilimanjaro now faces a more daunting task: taking her own life. But Brittany Maynard, 29, insists she’s not the least bit suicidal, People reports.

Are The World’s Religions Ready For E.T.?

In 1930, Albert Einstein was asked for his opinion about the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe. “Other beings, perhaps, but not men,” he answered. Then he was asked whether science and religion conflict.

Temple Institute Raises One Hundred Thousand Dollars For Third Temple Plans

The Temple Institute’s crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for the modern architectural plans for the Third Holy Temple in Jerusalem came to a close on Rosh Hashanah after surpassing its $100,000 goal in 60 days. The initiative began on the first day of the month of Av, when Jews commemorate the destruction of the ancient Holy Temples. Almost 900 pledges have come in from more than 30 countries worldwide.

British parliament to hold symbolic vote on Palestine status

British lawmakers will next week hold a symbolic parliamentary vote on whether the government should recognize Palestine as a state, a move unlikely to shift official policy but designed to raise the political profile of the issue. Britain does not class it as a state, but says it could do so at any time if it believed it would help the peace process between the Palestinians and Israel. The motion due for debate in Britain’s lower house of parliament on Oct.

Connecticut Governor Declares State of Emergency Over Ebola as a Precaution

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy has declared a public health emergency for the state as a precaution during the Ebola epidemic that is affecting several countries in western Africa. He signed an order declaring the emergency on Tuesday and it gives the commissioner of the state Department of Public Health the authority to quarantine and isolate people whom the commissioner “reasonably believes has been exposed to the Ebola virus.