Student’s ‘Virginity Rocks’ t-shirt banned from Arkansas middle school

Fayetteville 13-year-old Cloe Rubiano is saving herself for marriage, but school officials think she should keep that to herself. Robiano, a student at Ramay Junior High, purchased a t-shirt at a Christian festival that reads “Virginity Rocks” on the front, and “I’m loving my husband and I haven’t even met him” on the reverse, which sums up her beliefs on sex and marriage. But school officials banned the shirt and forced the teen to wear a school-issued gym shirt instead, because the Virginity Rocks message could lead to uncomfortable conversations about sex, 5News reports.

White House To Assign 3,000 Military Personnel To Combat Ebola

The Obama administration is ramping up its response to West Africa’s Ebola crisis, preparing to assign 3,000 U.S. military personnel to the afflicted region to supply medical and logistical support to overwhelmed local health care systems and to boost the number of beds needed to isolate and treat victims of the epidemic.

Millions of banknotes sent to Scotland in case Yes vote sparks run on ATMs

Britain’s banks have been quietly moving millions of banknotes north of the border to cope with any surge in demand by Scots to withdraw cash in the event of a Yes vote in Thursday’s independence referendum, it has emerged. Sources told The Independent the moves have been taking place over the past week or so in order to make sure ATMs do not run out on Friday in the event of a panic reaction to a “yes” vote. There have been some suggestions that people will want to move their money to English banks in the event of an independence vote.

Computer Models Tell Us That This Ebola Pandemic Could Soon Kill Millions

We could potentially be on the verge of the greatest health crisis that any of us have ever seen. The number of Ebola cases in Africa has approximately doubled over the past three weeks, and scientific computer models tell us that this Ebola pandemic could ultimately end up killing millions of us – especially if it starts spreading on other continents. At first, many assumed that this Ebola outbreak would be just like all the others – that it would flare up for a little while and then it would completely fade away.

The NFL Has Become A Circus Of Political Correctness

Do you remember when the NFL actually used to be about football? The NFL has become a reflection of society at large, and it has been disgusting to watch the transformation take place. And I am not talking about the reprehensible behavior of players such as Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson and Greg Hardy.

Newly Revealed NSA Program Allows Online Global Internet Mapping

The NSA’s “Treasure Map” project is aimed at conducting global cyber attacks and mapping the Internet in its entirety to include end users’ devices, Der Spiegel has revealed. “The breathtaking mission is described in a Treasure Map presentation from the documents of the former intelligence service employee Edward Snowden… It instructs analysts to ‘map the entire Internet – Any device, anywhere, all the time.” the media outlet reports.

FBI launches national facial recognition system

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has fully rolled out a new biometric identification system that includes facial recognition technology. The FBI, working with the Criminal Justice Information Services Division, says the Next Generation Identification System is now fully operational. The system is designed to expand biometric identification capabilities across the country and eventually replace the FBI’s current fingerprint system.

Record S&P 500 Masks The Fact That 47 Percent Of Nasdaq Stocks Are Mired In Bear Market

About 47 percent of stocks in the Nasdaq Composite Index are down at least 20 percent from their peak in the last 12 months while more than 40 percent have fallen that much in the Russell 2000 Index and the Bloomberg IPO Index. That contrasts with the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, which has closed at new highs 33 times in 2014 and where less than 6 percent of companies are in bear markets, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The divergence shows the appetite for risk is narrowing as the Federal Reserve reins in economic stimulus after a five-year rally that added almost $16 trillion to equity values.

Federal Judge Envisions ‘Rape License’ for ‘Right to Rape’

“But,” continues Posner—I didn’t know there were any “buts” when it comes to rape—”some rapists derive extra pleasure from the fact that the woman has not consented. For these rapists, there is no market substitute … and it could be argued therefore that, for them, rape is not a purely coercive transfer and should not be punished if the pleasure to the rapist (as measured by what he would be willing to pay—though not to the victim—for the right to rape) exceeds the victim’s physical and emotional pain.

Muslim Clothing And ‘Quran Books’ Discarded Along The U.S.-Mexico Border

“I think it’d be naive to say that (ISIS is) not here…We have found Muslim clothing, they have found Quran books that are lying on the side of the trail, so we know that there are Muslims that have come across and are being smuggled into the United States,” Painter told Fox News. Making comments similar to what he told CNN last week, Painter had a direct message for the possible terrorist cells. “If they show their ugly head in our area, we’ll send them to hell,” said Painter.

Dozens of Christians ‘including women and children’ are arrested in Saudi Arabia after tip-off about prayer meeting

Islamist police in Saudi Arabia have stormed a Christian prayer meeting and arrested its entire congregation, including women and children, and confiscated their bibles, it has been reported. The raid was the latest incident of a swingeing crackdown on religious minorities in Saudi Arabia by the country’s hard-line Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. The 28 Christians were said to be worshipping at the home of an Indian national in the eastern city of Khafji, when the police entered the building and took them into custody.

Pre-diabetes, diabetes rates fuel national health crisis

Americans are getting fatter, and older. These converging trends are putting the USA on the path to an alarming health crisis: Nearly half of adults have either pre-diabetes or diabetes, raising their risk of heart attacks, blindness, amputations and cancer.

Only a monetary ‘nuclear bomb’ can save Italy now

If so, Italy’s public debt will spiral to dangerous levels next year, ever further beyond the point of no return for a country without its own sovereign currency and central bank. “This is catastrophic for the finances of the country. We’re heading for a debt ratio of 145pc next year,” said Antonio Guglielmi, global strategist for Mediobanca.

Meet The Bubblebusters: Federal Reserve Launches A Committee To ‘Avoid Asset Bubbles’

Just when we thought that the Fed is pulling an Obama and has “no strategy” to deal with what not some fringe blog but Deutsche Bank itself proclaimed was the bubble to end, or rather extend, all bubbles, when it said that “the bubble probably needs to continue in order to sustain the current global financial system” they surprise us once again when they report that, drumroll, the Fed has formed a committee led by the former head of the Bank of Israel – best known for using de novo created fiat money to buy AAPL stock as part of “prudent monetary policy” – Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer, to monitor financial stability, which according to Bloomberg is “reinforcing the Fed’s efforts to avoid the emergence of asset-price bubbles.” Because contrary to what even five-year-olds know by now, the Fed is supposedly not promoting the emergence of bubbles but is actually “avoiding” them. No, really.

ISIS Jihadists Using Weapons Marked ‘Property Of The U.S. Government’

Islamic State fighters appear to be using captured US military issue arms and weapons supplied to moderate rebels in Syria by Saudi Arabia, according to a report published on Monday. The study by the London-based small-arms research organisation Conflict Armament Research documented weapons seized by Kurdish forces from militants in Iraq and Syria over a 10-day period in July. The report said the jihadists disposed of “significant quantities” of US-made small arms including M16 assault rifles and included photos showing the markings “Property of US Govt”.

Steep Slide in Movie Sales This Year~Last Weekend Worst Since 9-11 Attacks

At first, Hollywood thought the summer’s movies weren’t as good as usual, to explain the 15% drop in sales. Now they are noting that the drop occurred since January as well, and are really worried. They just don’t know what to make of it, because, frankly, the actors and actresses live in a liberal fantasy land in Hollywood.