7th Shocking Video Catches Planned Parenthood Harvesting Brain of Aborted Baby Who Was Still Alive August 20, 2015
‘The younger the better’: Subway spokesman Jared Fogle agrees to plead GUILTY after federal investigation reveals years of flying to New York for sex with minors and trading homemade child porn with the director of his charity August 19, 2015
Planned Parenthood is the Amazon.com of fetal body parts: Online “shopping” for intact baby organs has never been easier! August 16, 2015
The lesbian couple who BOTH used to be men: Chelsea (born Jonathan) was shocked to discover her boyfriend Craig wanted a sex change… and now she’s a woman called Carla August 16, 2015
East Coast leader of the Bloods gang is killed when he comes out shooting after he set his Staten Island home on fire and shot firefighter as police came to arrest him for parole violations August 14, 2015
Whistleblower: Working At Planned Parenthood Is Morbid; ‘You Can Feel It. You Can Hear Screaming’ August 13, 2015
Dozens of heavily-armed New Black Panther activists threaten Texas police while protesting the death of Sandra Bland August 13, 2015
Protesters Declare They Are Ready For War As America’s Impoverished Inner Cities Threaten To Erupt August 10, 2015
Friend of Michael Brown is shot by police in Ferguson after he used a stolen handgun to fire on officers during a protest to mark the one-year anniversary of the 18-year-old’s controversial death August 10, 2015
Latest Unedited Planned Parenthood Video Confirms Aborted Babies Being Sold To Create Super-Mice August 9, 2015