The Federal Reserve Is At The Heart Of The Debt Enslavement System That Dominates Our Lives
From the dawn of history, elites have always attempted to enslave humanity. Yes, there have certainly been times when those in power have slaughtered vast numbers of people, but normally those in power find it much more beneficial to profit from the labor of those that they are able to subjugate. If you are forced to build a pyramid, or pay a third of your crops in tribute, or hand over nearly half of your paycheck in taxes, that enriches those in power at your expense.
The Ferguson grand jury has made a decision
A St. Louis County grand jury has completed deliberations in the case of Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, whose fatal shooting of an unarmed black teen in August touched off weeks of sometimes violent protests, multiple media outlets reported Monday. CNN and The Washington Post reported that prosecutor Robert McCulloch will announce later Monday whether Wilson, 28, will face charges in the death of Michael Brown, 18, on a Ferguson street Aug.
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced his resignation Monday
President Obama announced the resignation of Chuck Hagel Monday, commending the secretary of defense for his “steady hand” through a period of transition for America’s military. Obama suggested that it was Hagel’s decision to resign after less than two years in office, saying, “If there’s one thing I know about Chuck, it’s that he does not make this or any other decision lightly.” The 68-year-old Hagel said he will say on the job “every day, every moment” until his successor is nominated and confirmed by the Senate.
Are You Better Off This Thanksgiving Than You Were Last Thanksgiving?
Are you in better shape financially than you were last Thanksgiving? If so, you should consider yourself to be very fortunate because most Americans are not. As you chow down on turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce this Thursday, please remember that there are millions of Americans that simply cannot afford to eat such a meal.
10 Examples Of The Social Decay That Is Eating Away At America Like Cancer
It isn’t just our economy that is crumbling. Something is happening to America that no amount of money will be able to fix. Everywhere around us we can see evidence of the social decay that is systematically eating away at the foundations of our society.
The Future Of Relationships? Soon Millions Of Men Will Be Having Sex With Life-Like Female Robots
If men had a choice between real women and female robots that were almost “virtually indistinguishable” from real women, which would they choose? Certainly many men would never be willing to totally give up on relationships with living, breathing women, but as robotic technology continues to advance at an exponential rate there will be men (and women) that will be tempted to abandon real relationships entirely. And that day is approaching a lot faster than you may think.
Doctors: Potential Ebola Cases Still ‘Covered Up By CDC’
Ebola continues to spread wildly in Sierra Leone as experts project that virtually all major cities in the United States will face imported cases of Ebola amid the failed response of the CDC. The nightly news says the story on the disease is ‘closed,’ but medical doctors around the country happen to disagree — and overwhelmingly so. In fact, medical professionals are now speaking out privately and publicly about the ‘cover up’ of potential Ebola cases that they say may end up with their careers on the line.
21 Facts That Prove That Dependence On The Government Is Out Of Control In America
If you could stay home and watch television, play video games and hang out with your friends all day at government expense, would you do it? Of course most Americans that collect money from the government each month are not abusing the system. Many truly are incapable of taking care of themselves, and others are just receiving government benefits (such as Social Security) that they feel that they have earned by a lifetime of hard work.
3 Of The 10 Largest Economies In The World Have Already Fallen Into Recession – Is The U.S. Next?
Are you waiting for the next major wave of the global economic collapse to strike? Well, you might want to start paying attention again. Three of the ten largest economies on the planet have already fallen into recession, and there are very serious warning signs coming from several other global economic powerhouses.
30 Years Later, America Truly Is Becoming A ‘1984’ Society
If only George Orwell could see us today. When he wrote “1984” back in 1948, he probably never imagined that the “totalitarian, bureaucratic world” that he imagined would ever actually become a reality. But that is precisely what is happening.
Obamacare = A Death Panel For The U.S. Economy
Did you know that some Americans are being hit with health insurance rate increases of more than 500 percent? Taking advantage of “the stupidity of the American voter”, the Democrats succeeded in ramming through one of the worst pieces of legislation that has ever come before Congress. The full implementation of Obamacare has been repeatedly delayed, but now we are finally starting to see the true horror of this terrible law.
Obama’s Secret Treaty Would Be The Most Important Step Toward A One World Economic System
Barack Obama is secretly negotiating the largest international trade agreement in history, and the mainstream media in the United States is almost completely ignoring it. If this treaty is adopted, it will be the most important step toward a one world economic system that we have ever seen. The name of this treaty is “the Trans-Pacific Partnership”, and the text of the treaty is so closely guarded that not even members of Congress know what is in it.
24 Reasons Why Millennials Are Screaming Mad About Our Unfair Economy
Do you want to know why Millennials seem so angry? We promised them that if they worked hard, stayed out of trouble and got good grades that they would be able to achieve the “American Dream”. We told them not to worry about accumulating very high levels of student loan debt because there would be good jobs waiting for them at the end of the rainbow once they graduated.