How the US-based sons of China’s super rich show off their wealth (and beautiful girlfriends) at their secret supercar meets

As wealth among China’s elite appears to be growing at an astonishing pace, many billions of dollars are being sent out of the country. A significant amount is ending up in the United States and in the hands of the children of wealthy Chinese youngsters who are sent over to get an American education. With their Eastern promise comes a wealth and a showiness that their counterparts back home may find uncomfortable.

Sen. Sessions reacts: We must stop Emperor Obama

Americans defeated President Obama’s disastrous amnesty plans both in Congressand at the voting booth. Tonight, President Obama defied an entire nation and declared that he will impose his rejected amnesty through the brute force of executive order. President Obama’s executive amnesty will provide an estimated 5 million illegal immigrants with the exact benefits Congress rejected, in violation of federal law.

Obama Now ‘Emperor of the United States’

In a statement reacting to President Barack Obama’s announcement of executive amnesty, Sen. Jeff Sessions said Obama has taken on the role of “Emperor of the United States,” and pointed out the need for Congress to block the president’s “unconstitutional action.” Sen.

Is Obama Trying to Cause Civil Unrest in America?

By choosing to announce his extremely controversial executive agenda on amnesty at almost precisely the same time the verdict in the shooting death of Michael Brown is expected to be announced, President Barack Obama risks causing civil unrest in America. The timing is so senseless that it almost looks like Obama is deliberately trying to stir up domestic disorder. Police departments across the country are preparing for riots in the aftermath of what many expect to be the acquittal of Officer Darren Wilson, a decision expected to be made within the next 36 hours.

Buffalo braces for three MORE feet of snow – bringing the total to eight – as scores remain trapped

Just when beleaguered Buffalo residents started to dig out from a historic blizzard that dumped up to 65 inches – it’s snowing again in western New York. The new lake effect storm could pile another three feet – bringing the total to eight feet in some places – on a region already struggling to cope with an unprecedented mid-November storm. Authorities have been waging a losing battle to clear away the incredible mounds and the additional wintry blast will make it even harder for the region to return to normal life.

Obama’s Amnesty Will Add As Many Foreign Workers As New Jobs Since 2009

Barack Obama’s unilateral amnesty will quickly add as many foreign workers to the nation’s legal labor force as the total number of new jobs created by his economy since 2009. The plans, expected to be announced late Nov. 20, will distribute five million work permits to illegal immigrants, and also create a new inflow of foreign college graduates for prestigious salaried jobs, according to press reports.

Network TV Blackout on Obama’s Amnesty Address: Only Univison, Telemundo to Carry Live Immigration Announcement

Thursday evening will mark a momentous announcement from President Obama concerning his hugely controversial executive order to “shield” and otherwise legalize millions of ‘undocumented’ illegal immigrants living in the United States. But is this tide turning presidential address scheduled to be carried live on TV for all the country to witness? No.

Sheriffs against amnesty to march on Washington

Sheriffs around the country are planning to march on the nation’s capital, hoping to send a message to President Obama and Congress that they oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants. The Dec. 10 rally in Washington, D.

Allah ‘The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful’ Praised on US House Floor, Reps Literally Bow to Muslim God

An abomination of sacrilegious proportions was witnessed Friday when the National Cathedral allowed Muslims to hold an Islamic prayer service within its dwelling. Islam has overstepped its boundaries in a Christian nation of 73 percenters, and it’s getting progressively worse. Openly infiltrating our houses of government with blasphemous declarations to a false god, the particular people bowing their heads in reverence will disturb and anger you.

Senior Citi Banker Found Dead In Bathtub With Slashed Throat

The dust has barely settled on the latest high profile banker suicide in which Deutsche Bank’s associate general counsel, and former SEC regulator, Charlie Gambino was found dead, having hung himself by the neck from a stairway banister, and here comes the latest sad entrant in the dead banker chronicles of 2014 when earlier today, the Post reports, a Citigroup banker was found dead with his throat slashed in the bathtub “of his swanky downtown apartment, authorities said Wednesday.” More: Shawn D.

Stunning Photos Of Record Snow Covering Upstate New York: 100 Total Inches Of Snow Expected

As previously reported, the anticipated Polar Vortex 2.0 has struck, pushing temperatures in all 50 states to below freezing, while heavy snow prompted a state of emergency in western New York and contributed to the deaths of four people. According to Reuters, it was the coldest November morning across the country since 1976, according to Weather Bell Analytics, a meteorologist consulting firm.

GOP senator warns of violence after immigration order

“I really like the guy,” Coburn, 66, told USA TODAY’s weekly video newsmaker series Wednesday. “I thought he’s neat, and I think Michelle’s a neat lady.” That history gives Coburn’s stark assessment a special sting.

Navy Plans Electromagnetic War Games Over National Park and Forest in Washington State

Olympic National Park and Olympic National Forest in Washington State are two of the most beautiful wilderness areas in the United States. Majestic glacier-clad peaks rise above temperate rainforest-covered hills. Gorgeous rivers tumble down from the heights and the areas are home to several types of plants and animal species that exist nowhere else on earth.

Texas Rancher: Executive Amnesty Rumors Increasing Immigration

“Every time [Obama] opens his mouth about immigration… there’s a huge negative impact on us that live out here along the border…” Ranchers living in Texas’ vast Brooks County are blaming the Obama administration’s amnesty rhetoric for the noticeable increase of illegal immigrants crossing through their lands. Rancher and Texas Border Volunteers co-founder Dr. Mike Vickers says he’s noticed more trash along footpaths, and has even run across people seeking help.