Tragic scene at Wal-Mart in northern Idaho as 2-year-old boy accidentally kills his mom by reaching into her purse and triggering gun hidden inside December 30, 2014
Obama: We’re ‘Ending Combat Mission in Afghanistan’–But 9,800 Troops Will Remain There to Combat al-Qaeda December 29, 2014
Dramatic footage captures tense moment a hero with a concealed carry permit stopped man he saw assaulting a woman in his car December 29, 2014
NYPD find arsenal of weapons and bulletproof vests at home of man arrested after being overheard talking about ‘killing cops’ December 26, 2014
CCTV shows moment black teen, 18, raises and points loaded gun at St Louis cop before being shot dead as mayor says this is ‘different’ from Ferguson shooting December 24, 2014
North Korea denies Sony hack but warns the U.S that worse is coming December 22, 2014December 22, 2014
Nine-year-old girl who was shot in the head by her dad after he murdered her siblings is walking and talking 10 weeks on – but has no recollection of the tragedy December 22, 2014