Bush: Bill Clinton Is My Brother From Another Mother

George W. Bush has described Bill Clinton, his fellow former American president, as a “brother from another mother” and has given details of his unlikely friendship with the man who in 1992 had denied Bush’s father a second term in the White House. The two men, both 68, have bonded over becoming grandfathers.

End of Organic? Report Says GMO Crop Contamination Cannot Be Stopped

A new report finds that the GMO contamination issue is much more serious than previously thought, and the concerned experts couldn’t be more correct. There have been numerous real-life cases of GMO contamination thus far, though most aren’t well known. One key example rests with Australian farmer Steve Marsh, an organic farmer who sued a neighboring farmer for compensation after his field of non-GMO wheat was contaminated by Michael Baxter’s RoundUp Ready canola seeds.

Russia’s bombers to conduct regular patrols in the Gulf of Mexico

Russia’s long-range bombers will conduct regular patrol missions from the Arctic Ocean to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, the military said Wednesday, a show of muscle reflecting tensions with the West over Ukraine. A statement from Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu came as NATO’s chief commander accused Moscow of sending new troops and tanks into Ukraine — a claim quickly rejected by Russia. Shoigu said the tensions with the West over Ukraine would require Russia to also beef up its forces in the Crimea, the Black Sea Peninsula that Russia annexed in March.

National Cathedral To Host First Muslim Prayer

Washington National Cathedral is hosting a Muslim prayer service for the first time on Friday. Planners say they hope Friday’s service at the historic cathedral will foster more understanding and acceptance between Christians and Muslims around the world. The prominent Episcopal cathedral often hosts national events, such as presidential funerals, and has hosted Muslims at various interfaith services in the past.

Kiss Your Guacamole Good-Bye: Drought-Stricken California Farmers Stop Growing Avocados

When Chipotle warned investors back in March that it might suspend serving guacamole at its restaurants if avocado prices rose because of the California drought, climate change hit home for chip-and-dip lovers, who took to Twitter in distress. Things have not gotten better since then. It takes 74 gallons of water to produce one pound of avocados—and drought-stricken California produces 95 percent of the avocados grown in the United States.

‘IF IN DOUBT…TAKE IT!’ Behind Closed Doors, Government Officials Make Shocking Comments About Civil Forfeiture

Without even needing to charge someone with a crime, law enforcement can seize and keep cash, cars and even homes, by exercising civil forfeiture. Now the Institute for Justice has uncovered recordings of government officials from across the country making unsettling comments about this controversial power: • One city attorney called his legal documents a “masterpiece of deception” and has won 96 percent of his forfeiture cases.

Russia To Declare U.S. A ‘Threat’ And ‘Adversary’ In New Military Doctrine

For those that have been watching the growing tensions between the Russia, Europe and the US, this latest salvo is disturbing to say the least. As reported by FT.com, a new Russian military doctrine is to be released next month, which will openly designate the United States as a “threat” and/or adversary, which is guaranteed to escalate the growing distrust which many see as a return to the “cold war” era.

Ferguson Resident: ‘We are Getting Prepared for War’

Ferguson is “getting prepared for war” if a grand jury doesn’t indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. Missouri State Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson told CBS News he has been meeting with students, gang members and ministers about what might happen following the grand jury decision that is expected to come down this month.

Ferguson Residents Arm Themselves

Residents in Ferguson, Missouri and neighboring cities are buying firearms to protect themselves against violence expected after a St. Louis County grand jury decides the fate of Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown. On Monday, CNN interviewed a number of people in the town who recently purchased weapons and received training at a local shooting range.


There are a lot people in America right now who are under the delusion that the Republican Party will be their savior from the perfect storm of a convergence of catastrophic events like ISIS coming through our Southern border, economic crisis or collapse, a major terrorist attack inside the U.S., skyrocketing food prices, an Ebola pandemic, American troops deployed into the Ukraine region in a conflict with Russia, American troops sent to regions like Iraq and Syria, the prospect of a regional thermonuclear war and the beginnings of World War III, Russia invading Alaska and other remote U.

The state of the U.S. nuclear arsenal is slowly getting worse … and the government has no plan to fix it

The foundation of America’s nuclear arsenal is fractured, and the government has no clear plan to repair it. The cracks appear not just in the military forces equipped with nuclear weapons but also in the civilian bureaucracy that controls them, justifies their cost, plans their future and is responsible for explaining a defense policy that says nuclear weapons are at once essential and excessive. It’s not clear that the government recognizes the full scope of the problem, which has wormed its way to the core of the nuclear weapons business without disturbing bureaucracies fixated on defending their own turf.

Video: New York Deputy Slaps Man For Refusing Unwarranted Search

A New York deputy with the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Department was caught on film early Friday morning slapping a young man who declined to have his vehicle searched. According to Adam Roberts, who spoke with Infowars after uploading the disturbing video to Youtube, he and his friend Colin Fitch were approached by two deputies while shopping inside a Walmart that evening. After being forced to present their IDs, the pair were taken outside to Colin’s vehicle and asked about a .

Feds Release ‘Election Eve Dump’: 64,280 Pages From Fast and Furious

The Justice Department has handed over to House investigators 64,280 pages of documents related to the notoriously botched Operation Fast and Furious — data President Barack Obama had claimed was exempt from congressional review. Calling the information an “election eve dump,” House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa on Tuesday hailed the hand-over. “This production is nonetheless a victory for the legislative branch, a victory for transparency, and a victory for efforts to check Executive Branch power,” Issa said in a statement.

NASA Warns California Drought Could Threaten U.S. Food Supply: ‘There will be some definite changes’

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has sounded a stark warning over California’s sustained drought, publishing its latest findings where satellite surveys show a rapidly depleting groundwater supply. And with California as the United States’ most valuable agricultural state, and thus key to America’s food supply (and much of the world’s as well) that could mean drastic consequences for food commodity prices and potential shortages. The Nature Climate Change journal carried the report, which Think Progress summarized: