Inhofe: ISIS developing means to ‘blow up’ a US city

The top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee said Sunni militants are working on the capability to wipe out a city inside the United States. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has long threatened to carry out a catastrophic attack on American soil, with a spokesman recently boasting that the militant group would fly its flag over the White House. Sen.

DOD Transferred Over $4.3B in Military Equipment to Local Police

The Department of Defense transferred over $4.3 billion worth of surplus military equipment–including 345 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles (MRAPs), 205 grenade launchers and over 12,000 bayonets–to more than 17,000 state and local law enforcement agencies across the nation since 1997. The transfers were made under the 1033 program of the National Defense Authorization Act and administered by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), according to a report by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) entitled War Comes Home:

Former CIA Deputy Director: ‘if an ISIS member showed up in a mall in the United States tomorrow with an AK-47 and killed a number of Americans I would not be surprised’

On Thursday’s “CBS This Morning,” former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell made a claim about the Islamic State terror group ravaging Iraq that had anchor Norah O’Donnell calling it “really scary to hear.” After explaining what he thought needed to be done to defeat the terrorists (more targeted strikes and better intelligence), he said that “if an ISIS member showed up in a mall in the United States tomorrow with an AK-47 and killed a number of Americans I would not be surprised.” “Over the long-term, I worry that this group could present a 9/11-style threat,” he added, noting the group presents both a short-term and long-term threat.

Watch CNN’s Crazy Interview With Rapper Talib Kweli About The Ferguson Protests

(YT) The past 24 hours have apparently been ripe for cable news shoutfests. The latest example being CNN’s Don Lemon getting into a tussle with rapper Talib Kweli over media coverage of the ongoing protests in Ferguson, Mo. The pair also got a bit personal when Kweli noted that Lemon “didn’t even have the decency to greet” him before the segment, instead sending a producer named “Nicole” to invite him onto the show.

Islamic State warns it has sleeper cells in the West, raises the stakes with beheading of American

It seems clear that Islamic State is raising the stakes, aware that the gruesome death of an American and the image of another one at the mercy of an executioner who is taunting a US president could invite retaliation – heavier air strikes at least. But the United States and other Western powers may now be diverting their attention away from the Sunni insurgents innorthern Iraq to what they are capable of doing overseas. The group can draw on hundreds if not thousands of foreigners with Western passports that can keep them below the radar, like the British-sounding man who appeared to have killed Foley, to carry out its threats.