Feminist: Not Allowing Your Wife to Sleep With Other Men is Sexist

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Michael Sonmore allows his wife, with whom he has children aged 3 and 6, to sleep with as many men as she likes, because insisting upon monogamy is “patriarchal oppression”.

In a piece for NYMag.com, Sonmore writes;

“As I write this, my children are asleep in their room, Loretta Lynn is on the stereo, and my wife is out on a date with a man named Paulo. It’s her second date this week; her fourth this month so far. If it goes like the others, she’ll come home in the middle of the night, crawl into bed beside me, and tell me all about how she and Paulo had sex. I won’t explode with anger or seethe with resentment. I’ll tell her it’s a hot story and I’m glad she had fun. It’s hot because she’s excited, and I’m glad because I’m a feminist.”

(Read the rest of the story here…)