It’s Never Different This Time – 1987 or 2014?

Stock Market Decline - Photo by Nodulation

It’s never different this time..

“One of the largest bullish factors is burgeoning worldwide liquidity, thanks to expansive monetary policies by central banks. That has helped fuel a surge of foreign investing that could propel US stocks higher, regardless of what happens to the American economy, some analysts say…

Low interest rates also help stocks by making Treasury securities, certificates of deposit and other interest-paying investments less attractive. The sluggish economy, meanwhile, keeps the Federal Reserve from driving up interest rates and prevents inflation from overheating…

Also, the sluggish economy–by keeping manufacturing rates low–discourages money from flowing out of financial assets into such investments as factories and machinery.”

     LA Times, March 8, 1987; a few months before the October 1987 crash

Read that again!!

(Read the rest of the story here…)