Two London chefs are trying to come up with a burger that tastes like human flesh

Two London chefs are this week trying to come up with a burger that tastes like human flesh, while Hannibal is busy cooking lung and loin bourguignon over on NBC, but exactly what flavour do we have? It’s a macabre thought, but one carnivores can’t help but idly wonder from time to time when eating the wide array of animals that we do. What with cannibalism being illegal and all, we only really have the unreliable testimonies of murderers and long-dead explorers to go on.

Federal Judge Envisions ‘Rape License’ for ‘Right to Rape’

“But,” continues Posner—I didn’t know there were any “buts” when it comes to rape—”some rapists derive extra pleasure from the fact that the woman has not consented. For these rapists, there is no market substitute … and it could be argued therefore that, for them, rape is not a purely coercive transfer and should not be punished if the pleasure to the rapist (as measured by what he would be willing to pay—though not to the victim—for the right to rape) exceeds the victim’s physical and emotional pain.

Planned Parenthood Sex Ed Website Now Takes Teens to Porn Site

The main web site behind Planned Parenthood’s attempt to lure students with a sex educational campaign that leads to abortion now points those teenagers to a web site promoting pornography. The pro-life group Iowa Right to Life discovered the change and how the Planned Parenthood Teenwire web site — which is linked to by thousands of web sites across the country and whose URL is printed on sex ed literature distributed in schools nationwide — now points to a porn site. “Over the holiday weekend, we became aware of a new danger for Iowa children and teenagers,” Iowa Right to Life told LifeNews.

666 And Illuminati Symbolism Take Center Stage At The MTV Video Music Awards

Every year, it seems like the occultism at the MTV video music awards becomes even more blatant. This year, 666 and Illuminati symbolism took center stage as performers such as Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj, and Jessie J strutted their stuff for millions of adoring fans.  In the following video, Mark Dice breaks down some of the symbolism that we witnessed.

‘We lost our jobs for reporting being raped’: Haunting photo essay depicts the suffering of women who were victims of sexual assaults in the U.S. military

Pulitzer Prize-winning photo journalist Mary Calvert is revered for putting a spotlight on humanitarian issues that are ignored or that people are not aware of. While her work – centered on women and children in crisis – has taken her all over the world, from the Democratic Republic of Congo to India, her latest assignment is much closer to home. The former Washington Times photographer has compiled a photo essay that attempts to expose the widespread sexual harrassment of women in the American military that is going unreported.