Bill Cosby JOKES he is an ‘evil man’ and pretends to cry in first performance since latest wave of rape allegations

Shameless sexual predator Bill Cosby performed a parody about being ‘an evil man’ on Thursday night during his first public appearance since multiple fresh rape allegations were leveled against him. Opening a comedy show for a charity organization in the Bahamas, the 77-year-old – who is yet to officially comment on the latest women who have come forward claiming he drugged and raped them – Cosby joked through fake tears (right): ‘Parents are coming and taking their children home, saying to me ”Bill Cosby you are an evil man!

Attorney Accused Of Hypnotizing Female Clients And Forcing Them To Commit Sex Acts

An Ohio lawyer is under criminal investigation for hypnotizing a female client during meetings and directing her to engage in a series of sexual activities while in a trance and under his control, police report. The probe of Michael Fine, 57, was detailed yesterday in an emergency court motion filed by the Lorain County Bar association, which is seeking an immediate suspension of the lawyer, who has been practicing for more than 30 years. According to the court records, a second woman recently told police that she believed that Fine sought to hypnotize her during meetings in his office (where the pair discussed the woman’s divorce case).

Sex Ed Conference For High School Students Touts Alternatives: Bathe, Shave And Role-Play Together

Controversy is surrounding a sex education conference in Oregon as the event has hosted students as young as 11 years old. The conference gives tips on masturbation, using internet porn and quirky alternatives to sex. Lesson plans taught at the Oregon Adolescent Sexuality Conference include tutorials on porn websites, pamphlets on sexting and information about “teledildonics,” or the remote use of sex toys over the Internet, KOIN-TV reports.

How the US-based sons of China’s super rich show off their wealth (and beautiful girlfriends) at their secret supercar meets

As wealth among China’s elite appears to be growing at an astonishing pace, many billions of dollars are being sent out of the country. A significant amount is ending up in the United States and in the hands of the children of wealthy Chinese youngsters who are sent over to get an American education. With their Eastern promise comes a wealth and a showiness that their counterparts back home may find uncomfortable.

Sen. Sessions reacts: We must stop Emperor Obama

Americans defeated President Obama’s disastrous amnesty plans both in Congressand at the voting booth. Tonight, President Obama defied an entire nation and declared that he will impose his rejected amnesty through the brute force of executive order. President Obama’s executive amnesty will provide an estimated 5 million illegal immigrants with the exact benefits Congress rejected, in violation of federal law.

The Future Of Relationships? Soon Millions Of Men Will Be Having Sex With Life-Like Female Robots

If men had a choice between real women and female robots that were almost “virtually indistinguishable” from real women, which would they choose? Certainly many men would never be willing to totally give up on relationships with living, breathing women, but as robotic technology continues to advance at an exponential rate there will be men (and women) that will be tempted to abandon real relationships entirely. And that day is approaching a lot faster than you may think.

Obama Now ‘Emperor of the United States’

In a statement reacting to President Barack Obama’s announcement of executive amnesty, Sen. Jeff Sessions said Obama has taken on the role of “Emperor of the United States,” and pointed out the need for Congress to block the president’s “unconstitutional action.” Sen.

Marine Dad Takes Stand After Daughter Gets ‘F’ for Refusing Islamic Indoctrination

The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) today announced its representation of John Kevin Wood, and his wife, Melissa, in their battle with La Plata High School in Maryland over the Islamic indoctrination of their 11th-grade daughter in her World History class. Their daughter was required to complete assignments where she had to affirm that “There is no god but Allah” and the other Five Pillars of Islam. The case gained national attention when the school banned John Wood from entering school property after he objected to the religion of Islam being taught in his daughter’s history class and demanded that she be given an alternative assignment.

Is Obama Trying to Cause Civil Unrest in America?

By choosing to announce his extremely controversial executive agenda on amnesty at almost precisely the same time the verdict in the shooting death of Michael Brown is expected to be announced, President Barack Obama risks causing civil unrest in America. The timing is so senseless that it almost looks like Obama is deliberately trying to stir up domestic disorder. Police departments across the country are preparing for riots in the aftermath of what many expect to be the acquittal of Officer Darren Wilson, a decision expected to be made within the next 36 hours.

Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food To Its Needy Employees

An Oklahoma Wal-Mart store is holding a food drive for its own employees, according to labor organizers. The group Making Change At Wal-Mart posted a photo of the food drive to its Facebook page on Thursday. The photo shows a cardboard bin with a sign attached that reads:

Israeli Police Busted A Massive Shipment Of Knives, Tasers, And Swords Bound For East Jerusalem

Authorities intercepted a massive shipment of tens of thousands of firecrackers, as well as knives, Tasers and other weapons Thursday that police say was en route to rioters in East Jerusalem. Intelligence information led police and customs officials to the shipping container in Afula, which had been marked as containing Christmas lights, police said. The container contained some 18,000 firecrackers, 5,200 knives, 4,300 Taser-flashlight devices, 5,000 electric shock devices and 1,000 swords, according to a police statement.

Part-time jobs put millions in poverty or close to it

Seven million Americans are stuck in part-time jobs. They are unable to get full-time work and the benefits and stability that come with it. It’s a constant struggle for these families and a worrying sign for America’s recovery.

Buffalo braces for three MORE feet of snow – bringing the total to eight – as scores remain trapped

Just when beleaguered Buffalo residents started to dig out from a historic blizzard that dumped up to 65 inches – it’s snowing again in western New York. The new lake effect storm could pile another three feet – bringing the total to eight feet in some places – on a region already struggling to cope with an unprecedented mid-November storm. Authorities have been waging a losing battle to clear away the incredible mounds and the additional wintry blast will make it even harder for the region to return to normal life.

NSA Director: Yes, China Can Shut Down Our Power Grids

China and “one or two” other countries are capable of mounting cyberattacks that would shut down the electric grid and other critical systems in parts of the United States, according to Adm. Michael Rogers, director of the National Security Agency and head of U.S.

Doctors: Potential Ebola Cases Still ‘Covered Up By CDC’

Ebola continues to spread wildly in Sierra Leone as experts project that virtually all major cities in the United States will face imported cases of Ebola amid the failed response of the CDC. The nightly news says the story on the disease is ‘closed,’ but medical doctors around the country happen to disagree — and overwhelmingly so. In fact, medical professionals are now speaking out privately and publicly about the ‘cover up’ of potential Ebola cases that they say may end up with their careers on the line.

Obama’s Amnesty Will Add As Many Foreign Workers As New Jobs Since 2009

Barack Obama’s unilateral amnesty will quickly add as many foreign workers to the nation’s legal labor force as the total number of new jobs created by his economy since 2009. The plans, expected to be announced late Nov. 20, will distribute five million work permits to illegal immigrants, and also create a new inflow of foreign college graduates for prestigious salaried jobs, according to press reports.