The Austerity Diaries: Making Hay While the Sun Shines

Over the past couple of weeks, I haven’t been around my computer much. That’s because we are working hard to live a more agrarian lifestyle. And to do that, you have to “make hay while the sun shines.

666 And Illuminati Symbolism Take Center Stage At The MTV Video Music Awards

Every year, it seems like the occultism at the MTV video music awards becomes even more blatant. This year, 666 and Illuminati symbolism took center stage as performers such as Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj, and Jessie J strutted their stuff for millions of adoring fans.  In the following video, Mark Dice breaks down some of the symbolism that we witnessed.

CNN chief: News operation will do less with less

CNN chief Jeff Zucker recently shared not so encouraging words with some of the news operation’s employees, many of whom have been bracing for potential jobs cuts. “We are going to do less and have to do it with less,” Zucker said during a call-in to a news meeting Tuesday morning. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution recently received a partial transcript of the call from a Turner employee who asked not to be identified.

Average cost of raising a child hits $245,000

New parents be warned: It could cost nearly a quarter of a million dollars to raise your child — and that’s not even including the cost of college. To raise a child born in 2013 to the age of 18, it will cost a middle-income couple just over $245,000, according to newly released estimates from the U.

Did You Know That Some Of The Largest Charities In The U.S. Are Just Giant Money Making Scams?

Some of the biggest “charities” in America are literally stealing money from people.  For example, how would you feel if you gave money to help disaster victims or to fund cancer research and you later found out that more than 97 percent of the money that you donated never got into the hands of the people that actually needed it?  Sadly, that is happening all over the United States today.