Harvard Gives Student Full Ride After He Tells Them He’s Illegal Immigrant

When Dario Guerrero, an illegal immigrant who found out about his status in high school, told Harvard that he was in the country illegally, the school encouraged him to apply–and gave him a full scholarship after he was accepted. Writing in the Washington Post, Guerrero, who is currently a junior at the university, said after an MIT official recommended that he not apply to the school during a trip to visit college, he “left the office in a daze” because MIT had been his dream school. He started walking down Massachusetts Avenue” and, “without really planning it, I found myself in the middle of Harvard.

107,581,000 Americans Already in Government Health Plans

There were 107,581,000 people enrolled in government health insurance plans in the United States in 2013, the year before the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare) was fully implemented. The Census Bureau published this number last week in its annual report on health insurance. These 107,581,000 pre-Obamacare government-health insurance enrollees equaled 34.

Study: One in Ten Adults in U.S. Not Proficient in English

The number of working-age adults in the United States with limited proficiency in English has more than doubled since 1980, according to a new Brookings Institution study. The increase has not limited the job prospects for immigrants or their children, the study notes, though immigrants proficient in English make more money. “English proficiency is a strong predictor of economic standing among immigrants, regardless of the amount of education they have attained, and it is associated with the greater academic and economic success of the workers’ children,” the study found.

White House Fence Jumper Was On Psychiatric Drugs

The ex-stepson of the veteran arrested for jumping over the White House fence says the vet was on psychiatric medication prescribed by a Ft. Hood psychiatrist, highlighting once again the connection between unstable behavior and SSRIs. Jerry S.

Obama’s UN Ambassador Admits Fight Against ISIS Designed to Take Out Assad in Syria

Obama’s United Nations ambassador Samantha Power told Chuck Todd of NBC on Sunday the real purpose of the fight against ISIS is to overthrow al-Assad and the Syrian government. Power said the “moderate” Free Syrian Army (FSA) will receive an “infusion of support” in its battle against both ISIS and the Syrian government which is, according to Power and the United States, “backed by Hezbollah, Iran, Russia, etc.” CIA’s Hydra:

Obamacare Architect announces ‘Optimal Age of Death’ – and you won’t like it‏

Yup, leftists just LUV death (along with their crony generated money).  If it’s not the 50 million aborted, including partial birth abortion, it’s “post-birth” abortion (yes, really. See After Birth Abortion – Why Should the Baby Live, by two Joseph Mengele wannabe bioethicists, Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva at The Journal of Medical Ethics ; see also Dr.

News Pelosi: When ‘Obama Won the Election, He Took Us Out of That [Economic] Brink’

At the Americans United rally “Hands Off Social Security & Medicare” at the Capitol on Thursday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) blamed Republicans for the economic recession of 2007-09, saying their “lack of regulation and supervision took our country to the brink, and so when President Obama won the election, he took us out of that brink.” “I know you’ve heard from many members of the House and Senate about the importance of the three pillars of security for America’s seniors:

Rapid Employee Turnover And Low Morale At The Department Of Homeland Security

An exodus of top-level officials from the Department of Homeland Security is undercutting its ability to stay ahead of a range of emerging threats, including potential terrorist and cyber attacks, according to interviews with current and former officials. Over the past four years, employees have left DHS at a rate nearly twice as fast as the federal government overall, and the trend is accelerating, according to a review of a federal database. The departures are a result of what employees widely describe as a dysfunctional work environment, abysmal morale and the lure of private security companies paying top dollar that have proliferated in Washington since the Sept.

Key Liberals Blast Hillary Clinton In Secret Emails

Emails sent by liberal activists and obtained by The Hill reveal significant dissatisfaction with Hillary Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016. The critical messages about the former first lady show that she has a long way to go to assuage skepticism from influential voices on the left. The Hill reviewed hundreds of emails from a progressive members only Google group called the “Gamechanger Salon,” a forum where nearly 1,500 activists, strategists and journalists debate issues and craft messaging campaigns.

Trust In Mainstream Media Is At An All-Time Low

After registering slightly higher trust last year, Americans’ confidence in the media’s ability to report “the news fully, accurately, and fairly” has returned to its previous all-time low of 40%. Americans’ trust in mass media has generally been edging downward from higher levels in the late 1990s and the early 2000s. Prior to 2004, Americans placed more trust in mass media than they do now, with slim majorities saying they had a “great deal” or “fair amount” of trust.

Angry McCain Admits Meeting With ISIS, Scolds Rand Paul For Not Knowing Terrorists

In a weak effort to smear Rand Paul, war hawk Senator John McCain attempted to argue that the Kentucky Senator doesn’t have the authority to disagree with US policies regarding ISIS because he hasn’t met up with members of the terror group, unlike McCain himself. In an appearance on Fox News Monday, McCain was asked to respond to Paul’s comments earlier in the day, when the libertarian leaning Senator told CBS’ This Morning that arming Syrian rebels would only empower ISIS in the long run. And that’s when things got weird.

In Private Meeting, Obama Revealed What He Would Have Done if He Was ‘Adviser to ISIS’

Speaking to a “group of visitors” during a private meeting, President Barack Obama reportedly imagined a far-fetched hypothetical scenario in which he was an “advisor to ISIS” prior to the beheading of two American journalists. The New York Times, citing “several people who were in the meeting,” reports that the president claimed Islamic State terrorists made a serious strategic mistake by murdering the hostages. He then reportedly revealed what he would’ve suggested if he had been “an adviser to ISIS.

Student’s ‘Virginity Rocks’ t-shirt banned from Arkansas middle school

Fayetteville 13-year-old Cloe Rubiano is saving herself for marriage, but school officials think she should keep that to herself. Robiano, a student at Ramay Junior High, purchased a t-shirt at a Christian festival that reads “Virginity Rocks” on the front, and “I’m loving my husband and I haven’t even met him” on the reverse, which sums up her beliefs on sex and marriage. But school officials banned the shirt and forced the teen to wear a school-issued gym shirt instead, because the Virginity Rocks message could lead to uncomfortable conversations about sex, 5News reports.