The Ferguson grand jury has made a decision

A St. Louis County grand jury has completed deliberations in the case of Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, whose fatal shooting of an unarmed black teen in August touched off weeks of sometimes violent protests, multiple media outlets reported Monday. CNN and The Washington Post reported that prosecutor Robert McCulloch will announce later Monday whether Wilson, 28, will face charges in the death of Michael Brown, 18, on a Ferguson street Aug.

Democrats warn backers: Obama could go to prison

A mass email from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Sunday tried to drum up support by warning President Obama is in danger of impeachment, or even worse, jail time. The email – with subject line “Impeachment? Prison???

Ferguson Protesters Threaten to Rape and Kill Wives of Police

According to a report posted by the Pundit Press and Fox News, Ferguson protesters are threatening family members of police in the embattled Missouri city. The incident was witnessed by officials of the Obama Justice Department: According to the wife of one police officer, protesters have screamed profanity at her husband and specifically threatened to rape and murder her and her family should they ever find out the officer’s name.

Obama’s Amnesty Will Cost $22,000 Per US College Grad

President Barack Obama’s amnesty for four million illegal immigrants will cost Americans about $2 trillion, or roughly $40 billion a year for the next five decades. The cost of Obama’s generosity is equivalent to 30 cents extra for every gallon of gas bought by Americans. Or a $10 monthly fee added to every cellphone.

White House Quietly Releases 3,415 New Economy Crushing Regulations Ahead Of Thanksgiving Holiday

While Americans are focused on what delicious foods they’re going to eat for Thanksgiving, the White House is focused on releasing its massive regulatory agenda — marking the fifth time the Obama administration has released its regulatory road map on the eve of a major holiday. The federal Unified Agenda is the Obama administration’s regulatory road map, and it lays out thousands of regulations being finalized in the coming months. Under President Barack Obama, there has been a tradition of releasing the agenda late on Friday — and right before a major holiday.

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced his resignation Monday

President Obama announced the resignation of Chuck Hagel Monday, commending the secretary of defense for his “steady hand” through a period of transition for America’s military. Obama suggested that it was Hagel’s decision to resign after less than two years in office, saying, “If there’s one thing I know about Chuck, it’s that he does not make this or any other decision lightly.” The 68-year-old Hagel said he will say on the job “every day, every moment” until his successor is nominated and confirmed by the Senate.

Ferguson grand jury decision not expected before Monday

Multiple sources tell CBS News that the announcement of a grand jury decision in the Michael Brown shooting case is not expected before Monday. A 12-member jury is weighing whether to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, who is white, with fatally shooting Brown, a black teenager who was unarmed, on Aug. 9.

Bill Passed: EPA Must Take Advice from Industry Shills, NOT from Independent Scientists

The Environmental Protection Agency is a federal agency that is charged with the responsibility of writing and enforcing legislation to protect human health and the environment.  Established under Nixon in 1970, the EPA is another one of those agencies that sounds like a good idea, until you peel off the shiny friendly top layer to discover the stench of corruption underneath. Up until now, they at least pretended to be there to serve as watchdogs, but it seems like they’ve decided to give up on that silly illusion.

New DHS immigration rules: Drunk drivers, sex abusers, drug dealers, gun offenders not top deportation priorities

The Department of Homeland Security has just released new “Policies for the Apprehension, Detention, and Removal of Undocumented Immigrants.” Designed to fill in the details after President Obama’s announcement that at least four million currently illegal immigrants will be given work permits, Social Security numbers, and protection from deportation, the DHS guidelines are instructions for the nation’s immigration and border security officers as they administer the president’s directive. The new priorities are striking.

House Republicans File Obamacare Lawsuit

House Speaker John Boehner said Friday he has sued the Obama Administration in federal court over its decisions to make changes to the President’s health care law, which congressional Republicans argue were unconstitutional. The move was expected for months — the GOP-controlled House of Representatives voted to approve the lawsuit in July. But Boehner had trouble retaining a law firm that would take the case because of the political furor over the controversial health care law.

Sen. Sessions reacts: We must stop Emperor Obama

Americans defeated President Obama’s disastrous amnesty plans both in Congressand at the voting booth. Tonight, President Obama defied an entire nation and declared that he will impose his rejected amnesty through the brute force of executive order. President Obama’s executive amnesty will provide an estimated 5 million illegal immigrants with the exact benefits Congress rejected, in violation of federal law.

Obama Now ‘Emperor of the United States’

In a statement reacting to President Barack Obama’s announcement of executive amnesty, Sen. Jeff Sessions said Obama has taken on the role of “Emperor of the United States,” and pointed out the need for Congress to block the president’s “unconstitutional action.” Sen.

Is Obama Trying to Cause Civil Unrest in America?

By choosing to announce his extremely controversial executive agenda on amnesty at almost precisely the same time the verdict in the shooting death of Michael Brown is expected to be announced, President Barack Obama risks causing civil unrest in America. The timing is so senseless that it almost looks like Obama is deliberately trying to stir up domestic disorder. Police departments across the country are preparing for riots in the aftermath of what many expect to be the acquittal of Officer Darren Wilson, a decision expected to be made within the next 36 hours.

Obama’s Amnesty Will Add As Many Foreign Workers As New Jobs Since 2009

Barack Obama’s unilateral amnesty will quickly add as many foreign workers to the nation’s legal labor force as the total number of new jobs created by his economy since 2009. The plans, expected to be announced late Nov. 20, will distribute five million work permits to illegal immigrants, and also create a new inflow of foreign college graduates for prestigious salaried jobs, according to press reports.

Amazing Video Summarizes GruberGate In Two Minutes

As Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Jonathan Gruber has so infamously observed, Obamacare never would have become law if the American people had been told the truth about what it would do to them.  So exactly who is Jonathan Gruber and why are top Democrats suddenly trying to distance themselves from him?  The following is a two minute video that does an amazing job of summarizing GruberGate…