SEAL Team 6 Parents to Obama: ‘It’s Time for You To Step Down…’

The parents of a Navy SEAL Team 6 member, who died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan in 2011 along with several others, have issued a scathing letter to President Obama, labeling the Commander-in-Chief’s presidency an “out-of-control thug-fest” that needs to be reined in, and demanding his resignation. “As Commander-in-Chief, your actions — or lack thereof — Mr. President, cost lives,” write the parents of Seal Team Six member Aaron Carson Vaughn, Billy and Karen Vaughn.

Homeland Security Released 169 Illegal Immigrants Convicted of ‘Homicide-Related’ Crimes

In the midst of the summer recess, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) issued a press release on Aug. 21 concerning a letter he wrote to the Department of Homeland Security seeking details about the release of 36,007 illegal aliens last year who had been convicted of a crime and were released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) while awaiting deportation proceedings.

Barack Obama was given detailed intelligence for a year about the rise of ISIS

President Obama was given detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of the Islamic State as part of his daily briefing for at least a year before the group seized large swaths of territory over the summer, a former Pentagon official told Fox News. The official — who asked not to be identified because the President’s Daily Brief is considered the most authoritative, classified intelligence community product analyzing sensitive international events for the president — said the data was strong and “granular” in detail. The source said a policymaker “could not come away with any other impression:

Democrats believe that climate change is more dangerous than ISIS

Democrats believe global warming poses a bigger threat to the United States than Islamic State terrorists, a new Pew Research Center poll revealed. Just 25 percent of Republicans polled called climate change a major threat to Americans, while 68 percent of Democrats agreed with the statement, according to the Pew Research Center. When asked about Islamic State terrorists, 65 percent of Democrats were worried about the group – fewer than those concerned about global warming.

Obama: Media makes you think ‘world is falling apart’

President Obama on Friday said social media and the nightly news are partly to blame for the sense that “the world is falling apart.” “I can see why a lot of folks are troubled,” Obama told a group of donors gathered at a Democratic National Committee barbecue in Purchase, N.Y.

Obamacare: Death panels were always on the agenda

Prior to Democrats ramming substandard corporatized medical care down the throats of the American people at gunpoint, Democrats argued that death panels would not be part of Obamacare. However, now that Obamacare is law, the truth has finally emerged – death panels are indeed part of the law. On Saturday The New York Times reported that “the issue of paying doctors to talk to patients about end-of-life care is making a comeback, and such sessions may be covered for the 50 million Americans on Medicare as early as next year.

Obama’s no ‘strategy yet’ comment on ISIS sparks a political uproar

President Barack Obama has ignited fresh conservative criticism by saying “we don’t have a strategy yet” for airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria. Republicans immediately jumped on the President’s comment during a news conference Thursday by saying it proved their longstanding complaint that his foreign policy failed to seriously respond to the terrorist threat from Sunni jihadists in the Syrian civil war. “I’m not sure the severity of the problem has really sunk in to the administration just yet,” said GOP Rep.

Obama’s DOJ Sues Minnesota City for Rejecting Islamic Center

The Department of Justice has announced that it is suing the small town of St. Anthony, Minnesota, after a two-year investigation into the town’s denial of a permit to create an Islamic cultural center. The DOJ claims that the north Minneapolis town broke a federal law when it rejected the center in 2012.

Man, 32, is left with brain damage after ‘being attacked by gang of 20 black men’ in parking lot after being told Waffle House ‘wasn’t safe for white people after Ferguson’

A West Point man was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries after he and a friend were attacked by a group of around 20 people in a Huddle House parking lot, police said, potentially as retaliation for Michael Brown’s killing. Ralph Weems IV, who is white, was injured early Saturday but is now in fair condition at North Mississippi Medical Center, hospital spokeswoman Genie Causey said. A relative, Bradley Barnes of Madison, told The Associated Press by telephone on Sunday that his brother-in-law was in a medically induced coma following brain surgery.