Network TV Blackout on Obama’s Amnesty Address: Only Univison, Telemundo to Carry Live Immigration Announcement

Thursday evening will mark a momentous announcement from President Obama concerning his hugely controversial executive order to “shield” and otherwise legalize millions of ‘undocumented’ illegal immigrants living in the United States. But is this tide turning presidential address scheduled to be carried live on TV for all the country to witness? No.

Sheriffs against amnesty to march on Washington

Sheriffs around the country are planning to march on the nation’s capital, hoping to send a message to President Obama and Congress that they oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants. The Dec. 10 rally in Washington, D.

Allah ‘The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful’ Praised on US House Floor, Reps Literally Bow to Muslim God

An abomination of sacrilegious proportions was witnessed Friday when the National Cathedral allowed Muslims to hold an Islamic prayer service within its dwelling. Islam has overstepped its boundaries in a Christian nation of 73 percenters, and it’s getting progressively worse. Openly infiltrating our houses of government with blasphemous declarations to a false god, the particular people bowing their heads in reverence will disturb and anger you.

One American’s Shocked Response Upon Learning His Health Insurance Cost Just Doubled

My wife and I own a small business and we had previously (in 2013)  been buying health insurance on our own for ourselves and our two kids.  The cost was about six hundred per month with a $5200 deductible, $6800 total out of pocket exposure for the family of four. After spending months trying to register for the ACA in late 2013 and early 2014 my kids got put on our state’s insurance (at “no cost”) and my wife and I bagged an ACA policy at a subsidized cost of $281 per month with a total out of pocket of about $6500 (just for the two of us).

GOP senator warns of violence after immigration order

“I really like the guy,” Coburn, 66, told USA TODAY’s weekly video newsmaker series Wednesday. “I thought he’s neat, and I think Michelle’s a neat lady.” That history gives Coburn’s stark assessment a special sting.

21 Facts That Prove That Dependence On The Government Is Out Of Control In America

If you could stay home and watch television, play video games and hang out with your friends all day at government expense, would you do it? Of course most Americans that collect money from the government each month are not abusing the system. Many truly are incapable of taking care of themselves, and others are just receiving government benefits (such as Social Security) that they feel that they have earned by a lifetime of hard work.

Texas Rancher: Executive Amnesty Rumors Increasing Immigration

“Every time [Obama] opens his mouth about immigration… there’s a huge negative impact on us that live out here along the border…” Ranchers living in Texas’ vast Brooks County are blaming the Obama administration’s amnesty rhetoric for the noticeable increase of illegal immigrants crossing through their lands. Rancher and Texas Border Volunteers co-founder Dr. Mike Vickers says he’s noticed more trash along footpaths, and has even run across people seeking help.

Jonathan Gruber Was Obama’s Top Health Expert In The 2008 Presidential Campaign

MIT professor Jonathan Gruber served as the key health care consultant to Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign and even visited Obama’s office to sell the idea of the “individual mandate,” which Obama later championed, according to a 2007 news article. Gruber, who said Obamacare passed due to the “stupidity of the American voters” and their “lack of economic understanding,” was described by the Washington Post as the Democratic Party’s “most influential health-care expert” who “consulted with the three leading Democratic campaigns about their health plans,” including Barack Obama’s. He pressured the Obama campaign to support the “individual mandate” he helped developed for Massachusetts’ state-run health care, which forced people to buy insurance or face a penalty.

U.S. government houses veterans in dilapidated building filled with mold, bedbugs and disease-carrying rats

It’s becoming clear — honorable US service men and women are becoming nothing more than expendable numbers filed away in a system set up to profit off their service, rather than respect and honor their service. For those who volunteer to serve, it’s about defending the country’s freedom and values, but as they begin to take orders, many realize that they are just being used. Some soldiers feel like they are nothing but mere pawns in a global industrial chess match.

Obamacare = A Death Panel For The U.S. Economy

Did you know that some Americans are being hit with health insurance rate increases of more than 500 percent? Taking advantage of “the stupidity of the American voter”, the Democrats succeeded in ramming through one of the worst pieces of legislation that has ever come before Congress. The full implementation of Obamacare has been repeatedly delayed, but now we are finally starting to see the true horror of this terrible law.

U.S. Defense Secretary Directed ‘Nuclear-Free’ Activist Group

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has ordered what is being described in media reports as top-to-bottom changes in how the nation’s nuclear arsenal is managed. Largely unreported in the coverage of the possible nuclear forces shakeup is that until his appointment as defense secretary, Hagel served on the board of a George Soros-funded group that advocates a nuclear-free world. Ploughshares opposes America’s development of a missile-defense system and contributes funds to scores of anti-war groups highly critical of U.

Bush: Bill Clinton Is My Brother From Another Mother

George W. Bush has described Bill Clinton, his fellow former American president, as a “brother from another mother” and has given details of his unlikely friendship with the man who in 1992 had denied Bush’s father a second term in the White House. The two men, both 68, have bonded over becoming grandfathers.

Obamacare Is Killing Rural Hospitals

Stewart-Webster Hospital had only 25 beds when it still treated patients. The rural hospital served this small town of 1,400 residents and those in the surrounding farms and crossroads for more than six decades. But since the hospital closed in the spring of last year, many of those in need have to travel up to 40 miles to other hospitals.

Obama’s Secret Treaty Would Be The Most Important Step Toward A One World Economic System

Barack Obama is secretly negotiating the largest international trade agreement in history, and the mainstream media in the United States is almost completely ignoring it. If this treaty is adopted, it will be the most important step toward a one world economic system that we have ever seen. The name of this treaty is “the Trans-Pacific Partnership”, and the text of the treaty is so closely guarded that not even members of Congress know what is in it.

DC Schools Strip Christmas From Calendar After Muslims Complain

The Montgomery County school district in suburban Washington, DC has voted to strip Christmas from the school calendar after complaints by Muslims, who say the move doesn’t go far enough. In a 7-1 vote, Montgomery’s Board of Education removed references to Christmas, Easter, Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah from next year’s school calendar, replacing them with ambiguous terms such as “winter break” and “student holidays.” The decision was made after complaints by Muslim parents that the Islamic holiday of Eid wasn’t being recognized.

Second Video Emerges of Obamacare Architect Calling Americans ‘Stupid’

Despite telling MSNBC that his comments were “off the cuff,” a second video has emerged of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber saying the law was passed because Americans were “too stupid” to understand it. During an appearance on Ronan Farrow Daily, Gruber tried to explain away his initial comments by claiming he was speaking “off the cuff” when he said that a “lack of transparency” was crucial in fooling ‘stupid Americans’ during the effort to pass Obamacare. “I spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments,” said Gruber.


There are a lot people in America right now who are under the delusion that the Republican Party will be their savior from the perfect storm of a convergence of catastrophic events like ISIS coming through our Southern border, economic crisis or collapse, a major terrorist attack inside the U.S., skyrocketing food prices, an Ebola pandemic, American troops deployed into the Ukraine region in a conflict with Russia, American troops sent to regions like Iraq and Syria, the prospect of a regional thermonuclear war and the beginnings of World War III, Russia invading Alaska and other remote U.