Islamic State attack on Iraqi base leaves hundreds missing, shows army weaknesses

The army base in Iraq’s western Anbar province had been under siege by Islamic State militants for a week, so when a convoy of armored Humvees rolled up at the gate, the Iraqi soldiers at Camp Saqlawiyah believed saviors had arrived. But this was no rescue attempt. The vehicles were driven by militants on suicide missions, and within seconds on Sunday the base had become a bloody scene of multiple bombings.

China Floods U.S. With Near-Perfect Fake Driver’s Licenses

Fake driver’s licenses are flooding our market and could pose a real threat. 2 Investigator Dave Savini reports these bogus licenses are being produced overseas and sold online. State and federal officials say they want to shut down the sales of them.

Russia Holds Massive Military Drill: 155,000 Troops, 4,000 Tanks, 632 Aircraft, 84 Ships

At what point is a drill more than just a drill? Maybe when it is so massive it could be confused for an invasion force, involving a mindblowing 155,000 troops, more than the armies of most sovereign nations, 4,000 armoured vehicles, 632 planes and helicopters and 84 vessels. Those are the staggering numbers taking [3]part in the Vostok-2014 strategic exercises, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu told President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, and whose main priority is ti “demonstrate that the degree of combat preparedness in Russian troops has risen.

Russia to fully renew nuclear forces by 2020

Russia is set to renew the country’s strategic nuclear forces by 100 percent, not 70 percent as previously announced, according to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. “The formation of the technical basis for strategic nuclear forces is going at a faster rate, and in fact, we will renew not 70 percent of the SNF, but 100 percent,” Rogozin told Rossiya TV channel. The deputy premier, who’s responsible for the Russian defense industry, also declared that in 2015 the army and the navy are to switch 30 percent of their weapons to “cutting edge” technology, and by 70 percent in 2020.

Obama’s UN Ambassador Admits Fight Against ISIS Designed to Take Out Assad in Syria

Obama’s United Nations ambassador Samantha Power told Chuck Todd of NBC on Sunday the real purpose of the fight against ISIS is to overthrow al-Assad and the Syrian government. Power said the “moderate” Free Syrian Army (FSA) will receive an “infusion of support” in its battle against both ISIS and the Syrian government which is, according to Power and the United States, “backed by Hezbollah, Iran, Russia, etc.” CIA’s Hydra:

ISIS Drives Texas-made Toyota Trucks Apparently Modified for U.S. Special Forces

This you have to see to believe: the now iconic white Toyota trucks we see ISIS™ driving around look scarily familiar to ones purchased here in the states and outfitted by special forces which puts to rest the notion that ISIS™ simply ran up to a dealership in Iraq and made off with 30 or so vehicles. They aren’t even SOLD in Iraq and certainly not with these modifications.

Obama to Arm Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Militants?

A new bill introduced in the U.S. Senate yesterday would authorize the Obama administration to send $350 million dollars worth of sophisticated weapons technology to Ukraine despite the fact that neo-nazi militants are openly fighting alongside Kiev forces.

If Scotland breaks away, these 8 places in Europe could be next

Given Europe’s complicated history and cultural diversity, the existence of independence-minded groups and regions is understandable. Even so, the sheer number of separatist movements in Europe may surprise you. Some of these groups have transformed their desire for separation into successful political movements; others are operating at a far lower level.

New Recruits Flock To ISIS Following Obama Speech

The Islamic State terrorist group has seen an uptick in recruits following president Obama’s address last week, when he indicated that airstrikes to combat the extremists would be expanded from Iraq to Syria. The intelligence comes via The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an independent group monitoring all aspects of the conflict within the country. The group indicated that 162 people had attended two separate training camps set up by ISIS in Aleppo province in the last week alone.

Poll: Half of Palestinians support armed intifada against Israel

A public opinion poll published on Tuesday showed that half of the Palestinian public supports an armed intifada against Israel. The poll, published by the Nablus-based An-Najah University, included 1,360 Palestinians (860 from the West Bank and 500 from the Gaza Strip) above the age of 18, was conducted during the period from 11-13 September. It has a margin of error of three percent.

Top U.S. Military Official Admits: Our Arab Allies Are Funding ISIS

During his testimony in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee, America’s top military official General Martin E. Dempsey admitted that the United States’ Arab allies in the middle east are funding ISIS. Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was asked by Republican Senator Lindsay Graham, “Do you know any major Arab ally that embraces ISIL?

Angry McCain Admits Meeting With ISIS, Scolds Rand Paul For Not Knowing Terrorists

In a weak effort to smear Rand Paul, war hawk Senator John McCain attempted to argue that the Kentucky Senator doesn’t have the authority to disagree with US policies regarding ISIS because he hasn’t met up with members of the terror group, unlike McCain himself. In an appearance on Fox News Monday, McCain was asked to respond to Paul’s comments earlier in the day, when the libertarian leaning Senator told CBS’ This Morning that arming Syrian rebels would only empower ISIS in the long run. And that’s when things got weird.