ISIS Forces In Iraq A Decree Ordering All Families To Send Their Unmarried Women To Them For ‘Jihad By Sex’ June 23, 2014
Why Is The UN Hiring A ‘Disarmament, Demobilization And Reintegration Officer’ In New York? June 23, 2014
Radical cleric who was UK’s most feared and hated enemy takes control of Baghdad to repel rampaging jihadists June 23, 2014
ISIS Recruitment Video: Fighters Tout ‘Imminent’ Caliphate and Jihad as ‘Cure’ for Depression June 23, 2014 Using Facial Recognition Technology To Help Users Find Dates That Look Like Exes June 23, 2014
Globlal Warming Scandal: The Non-Manipulated Numbers Show The U.S. Has Been Cooling Since The 1930s June 23, 2014June 23, 2014