CDC Warns Funeral Homes in U.S. to Prepare For Ebola Victims

The Centers for Disease Control is advising funeral homes in the United States on how to handle the remains of Ebola victims, although officials are keen to stress that the development is not a cause for alarm. A three page list of recommendations instructs funeral workers to wear protective gear while handling Ebola victims, as well as warning them not to carry out autopsies or to embalm corpses. “If the outbreak of the potentially deadly virus is in West Africa, why are funeral homes in America being given guidelines?

New mosquito-borne illness spreading across Latin America – victims describe disease as ’10 days of near unbearable pain’

An excruciating mosquito-borne illness that arrived less than a year ago in the Americas is raging across the region, leaping from the Caribbean to the Central and South American mainland, and infecting more than 1 million people. Some cases already have emerged in the United States. While the disease, called Chikungunya, usually is not fatal, the epidemic has overwhelmed hospitals, cut economic productivity and caused its sufferers days of pain and misery.

82 percent of Ebola patients are being turned away from hospitals to die at home, spreading infections to family members

A lack of available hospital beds in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, the three countries at the epicenter of the worst Ebola outbreak in history, is leaving many families with nowhere to take their sick and dying. More than 80 percent of Ebola patients, in fact, are being turned away from hospitals and sent back home, where they continue to spread the disease to family members, friends and others in the community. A major shortage of beds and healthcare workers throughout the region has created an every-man-for-himself situation in which infected folks are having to basically fend for themselves.

CDC: Respiratory illnesses up to 277 confirmed cases in 40 states

The number of confirmed cases of an uncommon respiratory illness has increased to 277 in 40 states and the District of Columbia, affecting mostly children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. First identified 50 years ago, Enterovirus 68 or EV-D68 was rarely tested for and only began getting attention last month as hundreds of cases were linked to the virus. “The severity is what triggered our concern,” said Mark Pallansch, director of the CDC’s Division of Viral Diseases.

107,581,000 Americans Already in Government Health Plans

There were 107,581,000 people enrolled in government health insurance plans in the United States in 2013, the year before the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare) was fully implemented. The Census Bureau published this number last week in its annual report on health insurance. These 107,581,000 pre-Obamacare government-health insurance enrollees equaled 34.

The Pure Hell At The Heart Of The Ebola Pandemic In Africa Could Soon Be Coming To America

Did you know that the number of Ebola cases in Liberia and Sierra Leone is approximately doubling every 20 days? People are dropping dead in the streets, large numbers of bodies are being dumped into the rivers, and gravediggers can hardly keep up with the the number of corpses that are being delivered to the cemeteries. As you read this, life is pure hell in many areas of West Africa, and now the CDC is warning that things may get far, far worse in the very near future.

White House Fence Jumper Was On Psychiatric Drugs

The ex-stepson of the veteran arrested for jumping over the White House fence says the vet was on psychiatric medication prescribed by a Ft. Hood psychiatrist, highlighting once again the connection between unstable behavior and SSRIs. Jerry S.

CDC warns universities to prepare for Ebola pandemic

American colleges and universities are now on high alert and are being instructed to take extra precautions against the potential spread of incoming Ebola. Students traveling abroad to Ebola-stricken countries like Liberia, Guinea, Nigeria or Sierra Leone run the risk of bringing the virus back to US campuses. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is now urging all US colleges to implement additional safety measures to prevent accidental spread of Ebola.

Sierra Leone’s Ebola shutdown uncovers 92 dead in capital, 56 new cases reported

Sierra Leone wrapped up its 72-hour shutdown on Sunday, with authorities reporting that the action aimed at containing the Ebola epidemic had uncovered up to 70 dead bodies in and around the capital. Most of the West African country’s six million people were confined to their homes for a third straight day, with only essential workers such as health professionals and security forces exempt. Almost 30,000 volunteers have been going door-to-door to educate locals and hand out soap, in an exercise that was expected to lead to scores more patients and bodies being discovered in homes.

Obamacare Architect announces ‘Optimal Age of Death’ – and you won’t like it‏

Yup, leftists just LUV death (along with their crony generated money).  If it’s not the 50 million aborted, including partial birth abortion, it’s “post-birth” abortion (yes, really. See After Birth Abortion – Why Should the Baby Live, by two Joseph Mengele wannabe bioethicists, Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva at The Journal of Medical Ethics ; see also Dr.

Soldiers Train to Shoot Zombies During Ebola-Like Emergency

With real newscasts mixed in with scenes from 12 Monkeys, V For Vendetta and Planet of The Apes, this latest report illustrates how virus pandemics like Ebola are created and controlled by governments. Video has surfaced showing army troops training to kill waves of zombies during a viral pandemic in the backdrop of a third-world country. (Read the rest of the story here…)

Venezuela on alert over mysterious, deadly disease – 10 dead already

The deaths of 10 people in the past week of a mysterious disease in several cities in Venezuela, including the capital of Caracas, have caused panic within the population and has prompted doctors to sound the alarm. A government spokesman minimized the warnings and described efforts to notify the public of a disease that has killed four adults and four children as a “campaign of disinformation and terrorism.” Despite the government’s indifference, the country’s doctors insist there is plenty of reason for concern about a highly dangerous and contagious disease of unknown origin.

Exponential: Ebola Cases Now Double Every 3 Weeks; CDC Warns As Many As Half A Million May Be Infected Soon

Since the start of the outbreak, the Ebola virus has infected 5,357 people, killing 2,630, according to the WHO; and as The UN explains, the outbreak is the largest the world has ever seen with the number of cases is doubling every three weeks. As Sierra Leone instigates a 3-day nationwide shutdown to contain the deadly virus, the UN Secretary-General explains “Ebola matters to us all,” as we noted previously the odds of the infection coming to America is around 18% by year-end. The CDC, however, hot on the heels of the UN’s proclamation that “the gravity and scale of the situation now require an unprecedented level of international action,” has warned that unless government intervention is increased significantly, 550,000 people could be infected by the end of January.

World Bank: Economic Impact Of Ebola Outbreak Could Be ‘Catastrophic’

The World Bank released a statement Wednesday warning that the economic impact of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa was “already serious” and could be “catastrophic” if the international community does not take serious action soon. This Ebola outbreak is unprecendented in scope, and worsening with alarming speed. There have been 2,453 deaths counted so far, and 4,963 confirmed, probable, and suspected cases — almost half of which have been diagnosed in the past 21 days.

Ship from Liberia with Sick Passengers Docks in Louisiana…But Don’t Worry

When a ship from an Ebola-plagued nation docks on American shores with a crew full of sick passengers, by all means, we should bring them into the country and treat them. But don’t worry – the CDC figured it was probably fine. According to a release from the CDC, the ship was reported to have traveled to a port in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and others in Africa.