Misinformation and Prepping

When I was a young cop, I watched a pilot at our local air show fly his plane right into the ground. I realized instantly what had happened and turned to see the entire emergency crew, many of them veterans, just standing there, frozen in disbelief. I yelled at them, “Get over there, he’s crashed” and then immediately forgot where I had parked my patrol car.

12 essential survival items under $12

Prepping can sometimes cost a lot of money and a lot of you really like when I post about gear (even though you really should be spending your time and money on skills more than stuff). Because my EDC kit (every day carry) – the cheap way article was so popular, I thought maybe you’d appreciate a quick article about some inexpensive things you can get under $10 that are worth more than $10 – and that you could actually find useful. This is an entirely different idea from the 9 freakin’ awesome ideas for your bug out bag article that I wrote previously, which was intended to get you to think outside the box about what you carry.

Obamacare Architect announces ‘Optimal Age of Death’ – and you won’t like it‏

Yup, leftists just LUV death (along with their crony generated money).  If it’s not the 50 million aborted, including partial birth abortion, it’s “post-birth” abortion (yes, really. See After Birth Abortion – Why Should the Baby Live, by two Joseph Mengele wannabe bioethicists, Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva at The Journal of Medical Ethics ; see also Dr.

This is why the middle class can’t get ahead

For everybody wondering why the economic recovery feels like a recession, here’s the answer: We’re still at least five years away from regaining everything lost during the 2007-2009 downturn. Forecasting firm IHS Global Insight predicts that real median household income — perhaps the best proxy for middle-class living standards — won’t reach the prior peak from 2007 until 2019.

Soldiers Train to Shoot Zombies During Ebola-Like Emergency

With real newscasts mixed in with scenes from 12 Monkeys, V For Vendetta and Planet of The Apes, this latest report illustrates how virus pandemics like Ebola are created and controlled by governments. Video has surfaced showing army troops training to kill waves of zombies during a viral pandemic in the backdrop of a third-world country. (Read the rest of the story here…)

Venezuela on alert over mysterious, deadly disease – 10 dead already

The deaths of 10 people in the past week of a mysterious disease in several cities in Venezuela, including the capital of Caracas, have caused panic within the population and has prompted doctors to sound the alarm. A government spokesman minimized the warnings and described efforts to notify the public of a disease that has killed four adults and four children as a “campaign of disinformation and terrorism.” Despite the government’s indifference, the country’s doctors insist there is plenty of reason for concern about a highly dangerous and contagious disease of unknown origin.

Exponential: Ebola Cases Now Double Every 3 Weeks; CDC Warns As Many As Half A Million May Be Infected Soon

Since the start of the outbreak, the Ebola virus has infected 5,357 people, killing 2,630, according to the WHO; and as The UN explains, the outbreak is the largest the world has ever seen with the number of cases is doubling every three weeks. As Sierra Leone instigates a 3-day nationwide shutdown to contain the deadly virus, the UN Secretary-General explains “Ebola matters to us all,” as we noted previously the odds of the infection coming to America is around 18% by year-end. The CDC, however, hot on the heels of the UN’s proclamation that “the gravity and scale of the situation now require an unprecedented level of international action,” has warned that unless government intervention is increased significantly, 550,000 people could be infected by the end of January.

ISIS Drives Texas-made Toyota Trucks Apparently Modified for U.S. Special Forces

This you have to see to believe: the now iconic white Toyota trucks we see ISIS™ driving around look scarily familiar to ones purchased here in the states and outfitted by special forces which puts to rest the notion that ISIS™ simply ran up to a dealership in Iraq and made off with 30 or so vehicles. They aren’t even SOLD in Iraq and certainly not with these modifications.

Here a bubble, there a bubble: Marc Faber

Even after the Dow and the S&P 500 closed at new all-time highs, closely followed contrarian Marc Faber keeps sounding the alarm. “We have a bubble in everything, everywhere,” the publisher of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report told CNBC’s “Squawk Box” on Friday. Faber has long argued that the Federal Reserve’s massive asset purchasing programs and near-zero interest rates have inflated stock prices.

News Pelosi: When ‘Obama Won the Election, He Took Us Out of That [Economic] Brink’

At the Americans United rally “Hands Off Social Security & Medicare” at the Capitol on Thursday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) blamed Republicans for the economic recession of 2007-09, saying their “lack of regulation and supervision took our country to the brink, and so when President Obama won the election, he took us out of that brink.” “I know you’ve heard from many members of the House and Senate about the importance of the three pillars of security for America’s seniors:

Rapid Employee Turnover And Low Morale At The Department Of Homeland Security

An exodus of top-level officials from the Department of Homeland Security is undercutting its ability to stay ahead of a range of emerging threats, including potential terrorist and cyber attacks, according to interviews with current and former officials. Over the past four years, employees have left DHS at a rate nearly twice as fast as the federal government overall, and the trend is accelerating, according to a review of a federal database. The departures are a result of what employees widely describe as a dysfunctional work environment, abysmal morale and the lure of private security companies paying top dollar that have proliferated in Washington since the Sept.

World Bank: Economic Impact Of Ebola Outbreak Could Be ‘Catastrophic’

The World Bank released a statement Wednesday warning that the economic impact of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa was “already serious” and could be “catastrophic” if the international community does not take serious action soon. This Ebola outbreak is unprecendented in scope, and worsening with alarming speed. There have been 2,453 deaths counted so far, and 4,963 confirmed, probable, and suspected cases — almost half of which have been diagnosed in the past 21 days.