Spanish nurse first to contract Ebola outside West Africa

A Spanish nurse who last month treated a priest in Madrid who died of Ebola has tested positive for the disease, becoming the first to contract it outside West Africa, a source within the health authorities said on Monday. The nurse treated elderly priest Manuel Garcia Viejo at the Madrid hospital Carlos III when he was repatriated from Sierra Leone with the disease. Garcia Viejo died days later, the second Spanish priest to die after being repatriated from Africa with the disease.

There Is No Free Press in the U.S.

We used to have journalists who would cover important stories. There was no question about it-that was their job and we had freedom of speech. But somewhere during the last few decades that all changed.

America: The Obola Zone

I thought the paramount job of the President of the United States was to protect its citizens. Yet we find ourselves in a position where an Ebola-infected person has purposefully and knowingly come to this country, in order to get better medical care, and in the process, exposed hundreds of US citizens to the deadly Ebola virus. Patient Zero, who lied on his travel documents in Liberia, said he had not come into contact with anyone who was sick.

Why Won’t Obama Ban Air Travel From Countries Where Ebola Is Out Of Control?

Why does Barack Obama refuse to take even the most basic steps to protect Americans from Ebola? Even though it has already been demonstrated that Ebola can be brought over to the United States by a passenger on an airplane, Obama refuses to do anything that would even restrict air travel from nations where Ebola is spiraling out of control. Back in September, Obama said that it was “unlikely” that any individual with Ebola could get through the “extensive screening” at our airports and pose a threat to the general population.

During An Ebola Pandemic In The United States All Of Your Rights Would Essentially Be Meaningless

If there is a major Ebola pandemic in America, all of the liberties and the freedoms that you currently enjoy would be gone. If government officials believe that you have the virus, federal law allows them to round you up and detain you “for such time and in such manner as may be reasonably necessary.” In addition, the CDC already has the authority to quarantine healthy Americans if they reasonably believe that they may become sick.

Palestinians push UN resolution demanding broad Israeli withdrawal

The Palestinians are pushing a United Nations resolution that makes stiff demands against Israel and could put the Obama administration in a difficult position should it come to a vote. The draft resolution, which was given to Fox News on Wednesday by a diplomat who wished to remain anonymous, calls on Israel to withdraw from the West Bank and East Jerusalem by November 2016 as part of a new push for independence and full U.N.

Recovery? 60% Of Greeks Live At Or Below Poverty Levels

While Greek government yields (and political leaders) proclaim the troubled peripheral European nation is ‘recovering’, the risk of major political upheaval in Greece has not gone away ahead of next year’s presidential vote next year. As Reuters notes, under growing pressure from anti-bailout leftists, Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras desperately needs a new narrative to get the backing of lawmakers and rally Greeks fed up with four years of austerity. We wish him luck as Keep Talking Greece notes, it is high time that the real data of the economic situation of the Greek society come to the surface and so it did this week.

George W. Bush: Brother Jeb ‘wants to be President’

President George W. Bush says his brother Jeb would like to enter the family business of presidential politics. “I think he wants to be President, I think he’d be a great President,” Bush told “FOX & Friends” on Thursday, as the President marks the start of the 4th annual Warrior Open golf tournament in Dallas to honor veterans.

China Conducts Flight Test of New Mobile ICBM

China’s military has conducted the first flight test of a new variant of one of its road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missiles in a sign that Beijing is increasing its strategic strike capability against the United States. The test of a new DF-31B missile was conducted Sept. 25 from a missile test range in central China.

UN Ebola chief raises ‘nightmare’ prospect that virus could mutate and become airborne – making it much more infectious

The longer the Ebola epidemic continues infecting people unabated the higher the chances it will mutate and become airborne, the UN’s Ebola response chief has warned. Anthony Banbury, the Secretary General’s Special Representative, has said there is a ‘nightmare’ prospect the deadly disease will become airborne if it continues infecting new hosts. His comments come as organisations battling the crisis in West Africa warned that the international community has just four weeks to stop it before it spirals ‘completely out of control’.

Missouri Doctor dons Ebola protection suit to protest CDC

Two days after a man in Texas was diagnosed with Ebola, a Missouri doctor Thursday morning showed up at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport dressed in protective gear to protest what he called mismanagement of the crisis by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Gil Mobley checked in and cleared airport security wearing a mask, goggles, gloves, boots and a hooded white jumpsuit emblazoned on the back with the words, “CDC is lying!

Food crisis looms as Ebola rampages through West Africa

The mango season finished early for Mamadou Barry, a fruit vendor in Marche Kermel, an old covered market in the Senegalese capital Dakar. Where stalls once brimmed with tropical produce imported from neighbouring Guinea, the Ebola-related border closure has emptied the tables. Barry, of Guinean origin like many storekeepers in Senegal, has been going back and forth between the two countries for three years.

For the first time, Russia has more deployed nuclear warheads than the United States

For the first time, Russia, which is in the midst of a major strategic nuclear modernization, has more deployed nuclear warheads than the United States, according to the latest numbers released by the State Department. Russia now has 1,643 warheads deployed on intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and heavy bombers. The United States has 1,642, said the fact sheet released Wednesday.

Europe Is Crumbling Into Collapse

The intention was always to make the EU a tide to lift all boats, or even, in the wildest dreams, a boat to lift all tides. That intention has failed in dramatic fashion. But not one single one of the architects and present day leaders is ready to fess up to their failures.

Texas: About 80 being monitored for Ebola

About 80 people are now being monitored for symptoms of Ebola in Texas, a Dallas County Health and Human Services spokeswoman said Thursday. The people being monitored are the 12 to 18 people who first came into contact with the infected man — which federal health officials have said include three members of the ambulance crew that took him to the hospital, plus a handful of schoolchildren — as well as others those initial people had contact with, spokeswoman Erikka Neroes said. “The number of people who are now part of the contact investigation has grown to more than 80,” she said.

Don’t Worry? 10 Quotes From Health Experts Promising That Ebola Will Not Be A Problem In America

Health experts all over the United States are promising us that we do not need to be worried about Ebola whatsoever. Even though one case has already been confirmed in Dallas, Texas and another potential case is being monitored, health authorities assure us that we have the greatest health system in the history of the planet and that we will be able to handle any isolated cases very easily. And all over the mainstream media on Wednesday, there were headlines declaring that the arrival of Ebola in America is a non-event.