Only 36 percent of Americans can name the three branches of government
Wednesday marked national Constitution Day, the 227th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution.
Wednesday marked national Constitution Day, the 227th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution.
Emails sent by liberal activists and obtained by The Hill reveal significant dissatisfaction with Hillary Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016. The critical messages about the former first lady show that she has a long way to go to assuage skepticism from influential voices on the left. The Hill reviewed hundreds of emails from a progressive members only Google group called the “Gamechanger Salon,” a forum where nearly 1,500 activists, strategists and journalists debate issues and craft messaging campaigns.
After registering slightly higher trust last year, Americans’ confidence in the media’s ability to report “the news fully, accurately, and fairly” has returned to its previous all-time low of 40%. Americans’ trust in mass media has generally been edging downward from higher levels in the late 1990s and the early 2000s. Prior to 2004, Americans placed more trust in mass media than they do now, with slim majorities saying they had a “great deal” or “fair amount” of trust.
In a weak effort to smear Rand Paul, war hawk Senator John McCain attempted to argue that the Kentucky Senator doesn’t have the authority to disagree with US policies regarding ISIS because he hasn’t met up with members of the terror group, unlike McCain himself. In an appearance on Fox News Monday, McCain was asked to respond to Paul’s comments earlier in the day, when the libertarian leaning Senator told CBS’ This Morning that arming Syrian rebels would only empower ISIS in the long run. And that’s when things got weird.
Speaking to a “group of visitors” during a private meeting, President Barack Obama reportedly imagined a far-fetched hypothetical scenario in which he was an “advisor to ISIS” prior to the beheading of two American journalists. The New York Times, citing “several people who were in the meeting,” reports that the president claimed Islamic State terrorists made a serious strategic mistake by murdering the hostages. He then reportedly revealed what he would’ve suggested if he had been “an adviser to ISIS.
Fayetteville 13-year-old Cloe Rubiano is saving herself for marriage, but school officials think she should keep that to herself. Robiano, a student at Ramay Junior High, purchased a t-shirt at a Christian festival that reads “Virginity Rocks” on the front, and “I’m loving my husband and I haven’t even met him” on the reverse, which sums up her beliefs on sex and marriage. But school officials banned the shirt and forced the teen to wear a school-issued gym shirt instead, because the Virginity Rocks message could lead to uncomfortable conversations about sex, 5News reports.
Do you remember when the NFL actually used to be about football? The NFL has become a reflection of society at large, and it has been disgusting to watch the transformation take place. And I am not talking about the reprehensible behavior of players such as Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson and Greg Hardy.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has fully rolled out a new biometric identification system that includes facial recognition technology. The FBI, working with the Criminal Justice Information Services Division, says the Next Generation Identification System is now fully operational. The system is designed to expand biometric identification capabilities across the country and eventually replace the FBI’s current fingerprint system.
“But,” continues Posner—I didn’t know there were any “buts” when it comes to rape—”some rapists derive extra pleasure from the fact that the woman has not consented. For these rapists, there is no market substitute … and it could be argued therefore that, for them, rape is not a purely coercive transfer and should not be punished if the pleasure to the rapist (as measured by what he would be willing to pay—though not to the victim—for the right to rape) exceeds the victim’s physical and emotional pain.
“I think it’d be naive to say that (ISIS is) not here…We have found Muslim clothing, they have found Quran books that are lying on the side of the trail, so we know that there are Muslims that have come across and are being smuggled into the United States,” Painter told Fox News. Making comments similar to what he told CNN last week, Painter had a direct message for the possible terrorist cells. “If they show their ugly head in our area, we’ll send them to hell,” said Painter.
During his nationally televised speech on Wednesday night, Barack Obama told the entire nation that “ISIL is not Islamic”. Well, then what in the world are they? Atheists?
A sixth-grade teacher at a Washington, D.C., middle school is in deep water after assigning students to make comparisons between former president George W.
Originally posted by Dr. Eowyn at Fellowship of The Minds blog, 1. If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in the country illegally, you live in a country run by idiots.
Yesterday, Barack Obama stated, “Turkey needs to be involved in coalition against ISIS.” On Thursday Turkey said it will not allow the US to use its airbases to fight ISIS. The Daily Star reported:
Why would Barack Obama want to give hundreds of millions of dollars of weapons to groups inside Syria that are selling weapons to ISIS and regularly fighting alongside them? Is he really that clueless about what is going on in the Middle East? The FSA and other groups of “moderate” fighters inside Syria do not consider ISIS to be an enemy.
A 24-year U.S. Army officer was denied entry to his daughter’s high school because his uniform may “offend another student,” according to the school’s security.
WASHINGTON – Americans overwhelmingly view the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham as a serious threat to vital U.S. interests and, in a significant shift, widely support airstrikes in Iraq and Syria, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
During Thursday night’s California gubernatorial debate against Republican Neel Kashkari, California Governor Jerry Brown (D) revealed that nearly 30% of the state’s schoolchildren are either illegal immigrants or do not speak English. Brown, who recently said that illegal immigrants from Mexico were “all welcome in California,” praised his administration’s immigration policies. He said that California is “setting the pace” on immigration laws and mentioned bills he signed that gave driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, made California a sanctuary state (Trust Act), and granted in-state tuition to illegal immigrants (CA DREAM Act).
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs crossed the U.S. border from Mexico dressed as an ISIS militant to illustrate how easy it is for anyone to get into America despite warnings that Islamic State terrorists are plotting to carry out attacks on the homeland from their base in Juarez.
The backlog of pending deportation cases in federal immigration court has risen to nearly 400,000 amid a crush of tens of thousands of unaccompanied children and families caught crossing the Mexican border illegally this year, according an analysis of court data released Friday. The Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University said in its latest report that as of the end of July, 396,552 cases were pending in the Justice Department’s 59 immigration courts. TRAC collects and studies a variety of federal prosecution records.