‘I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office’: Obama’s extraordinary claim revealed as president bids to reduce tensions with Israeli leader over Iran June 3, 2015
A U.S. Egg Shortage Has Begun As Bird Flu Has Already Killed 45 MILLION Chickens And Turkeys June 3, 2015
Massive Dirty Bomb Exercise Set For June: “We Are Clearly Seeing An Undeniable Buildup To A So Far Unknown Event” May 31, 2015
Dennis Hastert’s hush money was to cover up sexual misconduct with a former male student May 29, 2015
Emergency Powers Give Barack Obama Authority Over Virtually EVERYTHING During A Major National Crisis May 27, 2015
FBI admits that no major terror cases have been solved using Patriot Act snooping powers May 22, 2015