NASA Prepares for Asteroid Impact Within the Next 2 Decades: “It’s Going To Happen” November 14, 2016
Nasa funds Armageddon-style plans to fit robots to ASTEROIDS to protect Earth from the threat of ‘doomsday’ meteor strikes April 13, 2016
100 Foot Asteroid Could Pass Earth 20 Times Closer Than The Moon At 34,000 MPH On March 7th February 23, 2016
NASA says an asteroid could pass 11,000 miles from Earth on March 5th: 100ft rock may come 21 times closer to our planet than the moon February 4, 2016
NASA Establishes A ‘Planetary Defense Coordination Office’ That Will Track Meteors Headed Toward Earth January 10, 2016
How to stop an asteroid hitting Earth: Would humanity work together during an imminent global crisis? June 30, 2015June 30, 2015
Scores of giant asteroids on course to hurtle past Earth within the month, NASA reveals January 2, 2015