White House
White House Deletes Petition to Stop Ebola
The White House recently deleted a petition demanding President Obama do more to stop the spread of Ebola in the U.S. The Obama administration said the petition, which urged the White House to take proper action to fight Ebola, was removed from Whitehouse.
‘We’re Screwed’: MSM Caught on Hot Mic at White House Ebola Press Briefing
For a little insight into what our mainstream media really thinks (but will never say), check out what CBS News Chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett and two of his colleagues said when Garrett apparently forgot his mic was still on after the White House’s October 3rd press briefing on the government’s Ebola response ended. Now, Aaron and I are in no way saying “we’re screwed.” We’re just trying to show you these mainstream reporters obviously don’t believe the government’s b.
White House Fence Jumper Was On Psychiatric Drugs
The ex-stepson of the veteran arrested for jumping over the White House fence says the vet was on psychiatric medication prescribed by a Ft. Hood psychiatrist, highlighting once again the connection between unstable behavior and SSRIs. Jerry S.