Poll Asks Americans To Name The Greatest President In Their Lifetimes – Barack Obama Wins With 31 Percent July 11, 2018
Barack Obama Granted Citizenship To 2,500 Iranians While Negotiating The Nuclear Deal With Iran July 2, 2018
“Summer Camp On Steroids”: Obama’s Former Stenographer Shares The Shocking Truth About What It Was Really Like To Travel On Air Force One June 13, 2018
Newly Revealed Texts Indicate That Spying On The Trump Campaign Began Much Earlier Than Thought And That Obama Was Involved June 2, 2018
Valerie Jarrett Has Moved Into Obama’s Anti-Trump Command Center To Aid In The Effort To Sabotage The President March 2, 2017
Obama Expanded NSA Powers Days Before Leaving Office, Now They’re Being Used to Sabotage Trump February 16, 2017February 16, 2017
In an epic final speech, Joe Biden warns that the progressive democratic world order is at risk of collapse January 18, 2017