Here’s How Palestinian Children Celebrated Hamas’ Summer of Rocket Attacks on Israel

Children dressed as Hamas militants and armed with mock weapons were among the Palestinians celebrating what they described as Hamas’ “victory of the resistance” over Israel after seven weeks of violence and bloodshed. While the mainstream media neglected to publish photos of Hamas fighters as they launched more than 4,480 rockets at Israel in July and August, there are nevertheless news service photos of children in Gaza and the West Bank cities decked out in full Hamas regalia, celebrating the group classified by the U.S.

Ebola outbreak: West Africa food harvests ‘at risk’

The Ebola outbreak is putting food harvests in West Africa “at serious risk”, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) warns. It has raised a special alert for Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, the three countries worst affected. Rice and maize production will be particularly affected during the coming harvest season, says the FAO.

Saudis risk new Muslim division with proposal to move Mohammed’s tomb

One of Islam’s most revered holy sites – the tomb of the Prophet Mohammed – could be destroyed and his body removed to an anonymous grave under plans which threaten to spark discord across the Muslim world. The controversial proposals are part of a consultation document by a leading Saudi academic which has been circulated among the supervisors of al-Masjid al-Nabawi mosque in Medina, where the remains of the Prophet are housed under the Green Dome, visited by millions of pilgrims and venerated as Islam’s second-holiest site. The formal custodian of the mosque is Saudi Arabia’s aging monarch King Abdullah.

NATO Spokesperson Says ‘Unaware’ of NATO Officers in Ukraine’s Mariupol

NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said Monday that she was unaware of possible presence of NATO officers in the southern Ukrainian city of Mariupol. “On this particular issue I can say that I’m not aware of any NATO officers in Mariupol,” she said. Earlier today, Donetsk People’s Republic representatives said that a group of six NATO officers has been blocked in the town of Mariupol in Donetsk region.

Student debt becoming a larger albatross for economic growth: $1.2 trillion in student debt is outstanding and many college graduates working in jobs that don’t require their degree

There was a time when going to college made sense in every feasible way. It made sense professionally, economically, and many college graduates have a wonderful time in the process of completing their degrees. Most would argue that learning is vital in growing and moving forward.

Scientists Claim That ‘Artificial Human Farms’ Could Replace Animal Testing In Three Years

Artificial humans are set to replace the controversial technique of animal testing, scientists have claimed. The micro-chipped human machines due to be available in three years time will remove the need for experiments that claim the lives of up to 90 million animals each year, according to the Sunday Times. Artificial organs such as lungs, liver, and kidneys are already being used to test cosmetics, chemicals and drugs.

Chaotic scene as an infected Ebola patient wanders into a Monrovia market to look for food

Video has emerged of Liberian ebola clinic workers dressed in contamination suits chasing an escaped patient through the streets after he left a treatment centre to visit a market. There were chaotic scenes as crowds followed infected man, who was wearing a wristband to show he had tested positive for the disease, and some stallholders argued with him as he approached. The patient escaped from Monrovia’s Elwa hospital, which last month was so crowded with cases of the deadly disease that it had to turn people away.

Are Your Dental Products Actually Destroying Your Teeth?

Today, it’s not difficult to take care of your teeth and maintain a gorgeous smile. You can find numerous dental-care products on the market that promise to control tartar, kill germs, control the formation of cavities, and promise sparkling white teeth for all. However, are you aware of the fact that there are a few ingredients included in your teeth whiteners, toothpastes and mouthwash that can be more harmful rather that advantageous to your teeth?

3 Indiana churches vandalized by jihadist graffiti

Columbus Police said they’ve never had anything like it – three churches vandalized in the same night. Someone spray painted them on the outside. It’s the words used, though, that have some people asking if this was more than a prank.

CDC Director: Ebola Outbreak ‘Is Spiraling Out Of Control’

The director for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention says that the Ebola outbreak is going to get worse. Speaking to “CBS This Morning” following his trip to the West African countries dealing with the outbreak, Dr. Tom Frieden explained that they have to act now to try to get Ebola under control.

Islamic State vows to reach ‘Palestine’ and ‘Kill the Barbaric Jews’

The organization calling itself the Islamic State has risen from the fog of war in Syria and Iraq in recent months and drawn the attention of the world with major victories on both sides of the Euphrates River that have claimed swaths of territory for its declared caliphate, or Islamic State. Now in the organization’s new English language publication, Dabiq, aimed at young Muslims in western states, the extremist organization declared, “Islamic State will do everything within its means to continue striking down every apostate who stands as an obstacle on its path towards Palestine.” Denouncing the ineffectiveness of other Arab states and organizations in carrying out the “will of Allah,” the magazine vows that, “Its [Islamic State’s] actions speak louder than its words and it is only a matter of time and patience before it reaches Palestine to fight the barbaric Jews and kill those of them hiding behind the gharqad trees – the trees of the jews.

If Ebola Spreads At The Current Rate, There Will Be 10,000 Cases By September 24th

Alessandro Vespignani hopes that his latest work will turn out to be wrong. In July, the physicist from Northeastern University in Boston started modeling how the deadly Ebola virus may spread in West Africa. Extrapolating existing trends, the number of the sick and dying mounts rapidly from the current toll—more than 3000 cases and 1500 deaths—to about 10,000 cases by 24 September, and hundreds of thousands in the months after that.

NASA: Dangerous sunspot aligning with Earth

NASA is warning a new sunspot spewing powerful X-class flares is beginning to rotate to a position directly in line with Earth. A direct hit on Earth from an X-class flare could cause major disruptions – or even destruction – to the U.S.

Government Sources: ISIS is now confirmed to now be operating in Juarez, Mexico

Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued. Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.

Democrats believe that climate change is more dangerous than ISIS

Democrats believe global warming poses a bigger threat to the United States than Islamic State terrorists, a new Pew Research Center poll revealed. Just 25 percent of Republicans polled called climate change a major threat to Americans, while 68 percent of Democrats agreed with the statement, according to the Pew Research Center. When asked about Islamic State terrorists, 65 percent of Democrats were worried about the group – fewer than those concerned about global warming.

Funerals, ghost towns and haunted health workers: Life in the Ebola zone

At the gravesite in a northern Liberia village, there are no religious or traditional burial rites. No ceremony, no mourning, no family members, and no final goodbyes. Nothing but a group of men dressed in space-suit-like outfits, cautiously throwing the dead body into the grave, they pause only to toss in anything else they are wearing that came into contact with the deceased.