JPMorgan Warns Military Escalation In Ukraine ‘May Lead To A Lehman-Style Shock’

The sudden military escalation in Ukraine in recent days has, according to JPMorgan’s Alex Kantarovich, reduced the earlier hopes that the high level meeting in Minsk on 26 August would help to defuse the conflict. As Kantarovich warns, the markets are now bracing for the US/EU responses. In the worst case scenario, now appearing more likely, severe pressure on stocks may extend.

The Next Generation Will Have It Worse, Most Americans Say

Employers have been creating jobs at a good clip this year, but Americans are too exhausted and discouraged by the pain of the recession and slow recovery to see much cause for optimism. That’s the conclusion of a new report surveying the economic sentiment of workers, released Thursday by the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University.

Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds For Southern U.S. Border

Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued. Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.

The Austerity Diaries: Making Hay While the Sun Shines

Over the past couple of weeks, I haven’t been around my computer much. That’s because we are working hard to live a more agrarian lifestyle. And to do that, you have to “make hay while the sun shines.

Cyprus-Style Account Seizures Coming To A Bank Near You

It’s bad enough that you don’t make any interest holding your money in a checking or savings account at the bank. But at least it’s safe, right? Not so much, as Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer announced this month that instead of banks receiving bail-out money (from taxpayers) when they experience financial problems, they have now planned for a bail-in (by depositors and investors).

UK terror threat level raised to ‘severe’ – Jihadist attack now ‘highly likely’

Britain’s terror threat level was dramatically raised to severe today amid fears that UK jihadists returning from Iraq and Syria could launch attacks. The severe warning means an attack is “highly likely”, rather than the earlier assessment of substantial where a terror strike is “a strong possibility”. Home Secretary Theresa May stressed there was no intelligence to suggest an imminent attack.

Venezuelan government announces mandatory biometric cards to control supermarket shoppers

Venezuela’s continuing experiment with Marxist socialism continues to be an abject failure — as much as every other country’s experimentation with Marxist socialism — as evidenced by the country’s shrinking productivity, tanking economy and shortages of basic goods. So bad have things gotten in the South American nation that its leader, President Nicolas Maduro, has announced that every citizen will soon be required to carry a “biometric card” that limits food purchases through the use of electronic scanners and government databases. As reported by Britain’s The Guardian newspaper:

Shocking Porn ‘Epidemic’ Stats Reveal Details About Christian Consumption

Shocking porn consumption statistics released earlier this month show that an almost identical proportion of Christian men report watching smut each month as their non-Christian counterparts. In a survey undertaken by Proven Men Ministries in collaboration with the Barna Group, it was found that 15 percent of self-identified Christian men view pornography several times each month compared to 14 percent of non-Christian men. Additionally, 3 percent of non-Christian men say that they look at smut several times a day compared to 7 percent of Christian men.

DOT Proposes Mandating Cars Broadcast Location, Direction and Speed

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, part of the Department of Transportation, published last week an “advanced notice of proposed rulemaking” on “vehicle-to-vehicle communications.” What NHTSA is proposing could begin a transformation in the American transportation system that makes our lives better and freer — or gives government more power over where we go and when. In announcing its proposed rulemaking, NHTSA is stressing its intention to protect the “privacy” of American drivers.

Ukraine gathers its military forces after 100 Russian tanks ‘are seen crossing the border’ just hours after Vladimir Putin vowed to end bloodshed

Ukraine alleged today that a huge convoy of up to 100 Russian tanks, armoured vehicles and rocket launchers had infiltrated its territory. If confirmed, the claim could destroy a new ‘roadmap’ to peace discussed by the two countries’ leaders and EU officials at a Minsk summit less than 24 hours earlier. The news comes as a column of Ukrainian tanks, trucks and heavy artillery was pictured massing near the town of Mariupol, close to where Pro-Moscow separatists began shelling today.

Scientists issue dire warning of US megadrought that could last 35 YEARS and lead to mass population migrations

In computer models, while the southern portions of the western United States (California, Arizona, New Mexico) will likely face drought, the researchers show the chances for drought in the northwestern states (Washington, Montana, Idaho) may decrease. Prolonged droughts around the world have occurred throughout history. Ault points to the recent ‘Big Dry’ in Australia and modern-era drought in sub-Saharan Africa.

A briefcase-size radio weapon could wreak havoc in our networked world

In decades past, the few key electronic systems that existed worked at higher voltages than today’s machines and at lower frequencies, making them less sensitive to EM disruption. Today, though, any digitally controlled infrastructure presents a target: Power, telecommunications, finance, water, natural gas, and more are all coming under the ever-finer control of computers.

World Health Organization: Ebola cases could hit 20,000

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa eventually could exceed 20,000 cases, more than six times as many as are known now, the World Health Organization said Thursday as the United States announced plans to test an experimental Ebola vaccine. Currently, about half of the people infected with Ebola have died, so in a worst-case scenario the death toll could reach 10,000, the agency said, according to a plan released Thursday on how to stop the outbreak. The UN agency’s latest figures show that 1,552 people have died from the virus from among the 3,069 cases reported so far in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Nigeria.