Washington Post Buries Own Poll Showing Historic Low for Obama

The Washington Post was shameless again in the way it tried to hide its latest Washington Post-ABC News poll that showed a trend against President Obama and in favor of the Republicans. (For their part, ABC only mentioned it for 17 seconds on Wednesday morning.) The story was placed below the fold on page A4 on Thursday, headlined:

The Ebola Singularity

Is Barack Obama telling us the truth about Ebola?  What information about this horrific outbreak is being purposely kept from the American people?  Is this disaster going to be far worse than most people ever anticipated?

Ebola Travel Ban Now!

Is Barack Obama completely insane? By not instituting an immediate ban on all non-essential travel between the United States and West Africa, he is putting the lives of more than 300 million Americans at risk. Anyone with a shred of common sense knows that you keep more people from getting sick by keeping the sick people away from the healthy people.

Joe Biden’s son discharged from the Navy after testing positive for cocaine

The son of Vice President Joe Biden says he is “embarrassed” after being discharged from the Navy Reserve earlier this year — reportedly after testing positive for cocaine. The Wall Street Journal, citing people familiar with the matter, reported Thursday that Hunter Biden’s short-lived military career ended because he failed a drug test after reporting to his unit in 2013. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Navy discharged him in February of this year.

25 Reasons Why Our Society Is In Decline

What in the world is happening to America?  We can see evidence of the decay that is eating away at our society like cancer all around us.  We are being destroyed in literally thousands of different ways, and yet very few people are alarmed about this.

CBS Buries Poor Approval Ratings for Obama, Democrats Ahead of Midterms

On Wednesday night, the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley made no mention of the results from the latest CBS News poll that gave President Obama and Democrats poor marks ahead of the November 4 midterm elections on issues ranging from the economy to ISIS to terrorism to who voters are most likely to vote for. Regarding the midterm elections, Republicans find themselves ahead of Democrats on both a generic ballot and specific issues. Republicans have a six point lead against Democrats overall (49 percent to 43 percent with those leaning left or right, 46 percent to 40 percent without) and a five point lead who voters would like most to see takeover the Senate (47 percent to 42 percent).

‘We’re Screwed’: MSM Caught on Hot Mic at White House Ebola Press Briefing

For a little insight into what our mainstream media really thinks (but will never say), check out what CBS News Chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett and two of his colleagues said when Garrett apparently forgot his mic was still on after the White House’s October 3rd press briefing on the government’s Ebola response ended. Now, Aaron and I are in no way saying “we’re screwed.” We’re just trying to show you these mainstream reporters obviously don’t believe the government’s b.

Obama Ebola Bumper Stickers Appear Around Los Angeles

Vice President Joe Biden held up traffic around Los Angeles for a second day on Tuesday, but it was President Obama himself on the minds of many Southern California drivers as bumper stickers began appearing on area cars featuring the word Ebola with the Obama logo replacing the letter “o.” The scathing stickers come on the eve of President Obama’s Thursday trip to LA for a fundraiser at the home of Gwyneth Paltrow and on the same day that the LATimes reports that it may be premature for Mr. Obama’s government to declare that the deadly Ebola virus is not transmitted by air.

Nebraska Schools Ban Term ‘Boys And Girls’, Train Teachers To Avoid ‘Gendered Expressions’

In what is possibly one of the most unsettling examples of political correctness, schools in Lincoln Nebraska are training teachers to completely disavow gender, and avoid referring to pupils as ‘boys and girls’. Liberty minded Independent news website Nebraska Watchdog uncovered the documents. In one handout, entitled “12 easy steps on the way to gender inclusiveness” teachers are advised to “Avoid asking kids to line up as boys or girls or separating them by gender.

40 Million Dollars Of Taxpayer Money Has Been Spent On Obama Vacations

Three recent and lavish vacations by the first family cost taxpayers more than $6.2 million just for transportation and security, bringing the pleasure price for President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama’s trips to tens of millions of dollars since taking office, according to federal documents. Taxpayer watchdog group Judicial Watch told Secrets that new cost calculations for security showed that the first family’s 2012-2013 vacation to Honolulu and the first lady’s 2014 ski trip to Aspen, Colo.

Feds Spend Half A Million Dollars To Study Why Obese Girls Have A Hard Time Getting Dates

The federal government is spending nearly a half a million dollars to find out why obese teenage girls have a hard time getting dates. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) awarded a $466,642 grant last week for the study, which will examine whether social skills have an impact on why obese girls have fewer dating experiences than their less obese counterparts. “Mounting evidence demonstrates that weight influences intimate (i.

This is What Common Core Looks Like

The picture above is from my third grade daughter’s math book. This is the only page that explains that method for subtraction. There are, for the record, four ways to subtract that my third grader must learn.

There Is No Free Press in the U.S.

We used to have journalists who would cover important stories. There was no question about it-that was their job and we had freedom of speech. But somewhere during the last few decades that all changed.

America: The Obola Zone

I thought the paramount job of the President of the United States was to protect its citizens. Yet we find ourselves in a position where an Ebola-infected person has purposefully and knowingly come to this country, in order to get better medical care, and in the process, exposed hundreds of US citizens to the deadly Ebola virus. Patient Zero, who lied on his travel documents in Liberia, said he had not come into contact with anyone who was sick.

George W. Bush: Brother Jeb ‘wants to be President’

President George W. Bush says his brother Jeb would like to enter the family business of presidential politics. “I think he wants to be President, I think he’d be a great President,” Bush told “FOX & Friends” on Thursday, as the President marks the start of the 4th annual Warrior Open golf tournament in Dallas to honor veterans.